Exam 2 Study Guide sMinerals Minerals The building blocks of rocks five part definition 4 5 Definite chemical composition 6 1 A naturally occurring 2 Solid element or compound 3 Formed by geologic processes non Inorganic and crystalline structure orderly arrangement biogenic Mineral Classification Mineral Formation Physical Properties 2 Chemical composition water evaporates and all you have left is salt crystals grow new mineral In the crystalline lattices of minerals atoms occur in a specific pattern Every mineral has two fundamental characteristics unique physical properties 1 Crystal structure True ID comes from lab testing geologists use physical props to distinguish 4000 minerals 1 Solidify from a melt Ex liquid magma starting to crystallize and nucleate 2 Precipitate nucleation from a water solution Ex leaving a bucket of salt water out until all 3 Diffusion through a solid with time heat pressure atoms inside a mineral can change 4 Metabolism of organisms Ex we have grown our own bones teeth 5 Fumerolic mineralization from a gas The properties of a mineral stay with it no matter size shape etc 1 Color may be ambiguous easiest most obvious to identify but ambiguous not good 2 Hardness Mohs Hardness Scale from least hard to most hard 3 Cleavage shape will hold always true no matter size of mineral controlled by planes Talc gypsum calcite fluorite apatite orthoclase quartz topaz corundum diamond to use as identifier where nucleation forms Cleavage in one direction Ex muscovite breaks into flat sheets Cleavage in two directions Ex feldspar calcite Cleavage in here directions Ex halite Luster is it glassy metallic or earthy Ex graphite fools gold look metallic what color mineral is radiation 4 5 Streak color of powder of mineral streak color streak stays same color no matter 6 Others include taste smell SG UV fluorescence magnetics reaction with acid and Ex Halite tastes salty NaCl sulfur smells like rotten eggs calcite effervesces Mineral Classes The most convenient way of classifying minerals is to group them according to their chemical composition 1 Silicates binds silica tetrahedron on all sides allowing for a weather resistant structure The silicate minerals are the most common on Earth Silicon tetrahedron silicon atom surrounded by 4 oxygen atoms fundamental building Ex quartz and feldspars are the most common quartz can be found in grains of sand block of silicate minerals There are several groups of silicate minerals distinguished from each other by the ways in which the silicon oxygen tetrahedra that constitute them are linked Non silicates 2 Carbonates all contain CO3 therefore readily dissolve Gypsum Barite Useful for building materials and manufacturing Ex limestone marble calcite dolomite 3 Sulfates most important contain SO4 which is useful for building materials ex 4 Sulfides Metal Sulfur Ex Pyrite FeS2 7and Galena PbS Danny s favorite mineral 5 Oxides any metal combined w oxygen contains iron aluminum ores Ex magnetite 6 Native elements minerals composed of a single element hematite corundum Ex Carbon as diamond and graphite C copper Cu gold Au silver Ag sulfur Rocks 1 Exam 2 Study Guide Rocks Rocks solid aggregate of one or more mineral s maybe some glass too Ex granite is made of quartz biotite mica and potassium feldspar Rocks have a history we can see in minerals grain size shape composition record rock history greater than Earth Rocks at the surface of the Earth undergo physical and chemical weathering During physical weathering intact rock breaks into pieces During chemical weathering rocks react with water and air to produce new minerals such as clay and ions in solution Categorized by process of formation 1 2 Sedimentary rocks two paths 3 Broad Classes Igneous formed as magma cools and crystallizes Formed as sediments and compacted cemented into a single cohesive mass Formed as crystals precipitate out of solution Ex bucket of salt water halite rocks 3 Metamorphic formed when preexisting rock is exposed to intense heat or pressure Classification based on current state early rocks gone linked to new rocks via rock Lava vs Magma Magma Formation Molten Rock Melt Composition Melts Igneous Rocks Diagenesis involves processes that lead to lithification and processes that alter sedimentary rock once it has formed Magma is liquid rock melt under the Earth s surface Lava is melt that has erupted from a volcano at the Earth s surface Magma forms when hot rock in the Earth partially melts Magma only forms in special tectonic settings melting occurs in the lower crust and upper asthenosphere Melting happens for a specific reason melting is caused by 1 Decompression melting as pressure is removed melting begins At base of lithosphere crust it is hot enough to start melting rocks but the enormous amount of pressure does not allow atoms to start melting process Ex car radiator keeps engine cool keeps water from boiling or pressure cooker Relationship between pressure temperature depth the deeper you go into earth the higher the pressure and temperature will be Pressure drops when hot rocks is carried to shallower depths Locations beneath mid ocean ridges mantle plume rift zones 2 Addition of volatiles gases want to escape whatever they are trapped in can trigger flux melting Volatiles help break chemical bonds effectively lower the melting temp of a hot rock most common H2O CO2 3 Heat transfer rising magma carries heat can include heat transfer melting Ex pouring hot fudge on ice cream The composition of magma is determined in part by the original composition of the rock from which the magma formed and in part by the way the magma evolves by such processes as assimilation and fractional crystallization The chemical composition of molten rocks is described in terms of the proportion of oxides it contains Different melts will yield different types of igneous rocks four major melt types based on 2 Types of Melts Molten rocks vary due to Igneous Rocks Melt Movement Exam 2 Study Guide Intermediate also in continental crust silica or SiO2 Type 1 Felsic ex feldspar silica SiO Make up continental crust 2 3 Mafic ex Mg Fe rich rocks 4 Ultramafic Extrusive rocks cools quickly normally on the surface very very small crystals Form from lava that erupts out of a volcano and freezes in contact with air or the ocean Intrusive rocks cools slowly inside the earth underground visibly crystals two types more common than extrusive develop from magma freezing inside Earth when magma
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