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Vulnerable Population in the Workplace When diagnosed with breast cancer Older women face a range of issues that differs greatly from those of younger women Breast cancer issues for older women 2011 para 2 For example older women often think about how to keep their remaining years more meaningful Whatever choice for treatment is when a member of this vulnerable population is diagnosed there is the strong possibility that she may not have a sufficient support system This paper will concentrate on the experience of educating staff members of a local oncology office in regards to what support needs to be offered to elderly women who live alone and are diagnosed with breast cancer Different Age Groups Different Issues Many young women typically desire to have the most aggressive treatment available to fight the diagnoses of breast cancer Chemotherapy and radiation are often sought to prolong the lives of these younger women However older women typically want to keep their remaining time more meaningful avoiding the side effects from potentially quality of life destructive treatments Conversely there are some older women who do desire the strongest therapies accessible Whatever the choice if the woman is elderly and lives alone sufficient support systems need to be in place to enhance the quality of life for the patient Another matter facing some older women with breast cancer is concern with finances Already fraught with the potential battle for her life a woman must enter into the complex arena of expenses and insurance Some private insurance companies may not cover the total cost of all necessary treatments Breast cancer issues for older women 2011 para 4 Elder breast cancer patients may be worried who will care for them as they undergo treatment and beyond There can be added anxiety if she is widowed or if her children are not near In these types of situations an adequate support system may not be readily available Available Support A multitude of resources are available for breast cancer patients loved ones professionals and care givers Some organizations focus on a specific topic related to breast cancer and some sources are all encompassing with information provided Y ME National Breast Cancer OrganizationTM Many women have found valuable support when they called the YourShoes Support Center a breast cancer support center formed by the Y ME National Breast Cancer OrganizationTM Available 24 hours a day YourShoes offers the only hotline in the United States staffed by trained peer counselors who are breast cancer survivors The ability to receive professional interpretation in 150 languages is available YourShoes is a convenient anonymous resource for breast cancer and breast health information Help is offered to anyone affected by or concerned about this disease Callers can be matched with a survivor patient and or supporter who have had a similar experience with breast cancer Breast cancer issues for older women 2011 Meals On Wheels Good nutrition is an important factor at any time in life but even more while undergoing treatment for breast cancer It is known that a good nutritional status helps in the fight against disease Unfortunately as a result of several reasons an elderly woman living alone with breast cancer may not acquire the nourishment needed to help her in the fight In the Atlanta Georgia area there are several Meals On Wheels Local Programs available to provide assistance Meals on Wheels Association of America website 2011 Breastcancer org Breastcancer org is a non profit organization dedicated to providing information and community to those touched by this disease Breastcancer org website 2011 The organization provides information on every aspect of breast cancer from symptoms and diagnosis treatment and side effects day to day matters lowering the risk for breast cancer and more Breast Cancer Connections Breast Cancer Connections is another organization in which information can be obtained Their mission is to provide personalized information and support to people touched by breast cancer in an atmosphere of warmth sensitivity and understanding Our mission 2008 para 1 My Experience My experience with presenting this information focused on the staff of a local oncologist s office The office I performed this education at was my own mother s oncologist My mother is a six year breast cancer survivor When my mother was diagnosed she was 72 and widowed when we received the news she had breast cancer Despite being a Registered Nurse I immediately became almost like a lay person not knowing much but wanting to obtain all the information needed to help my mother in the fight for her life The office staff was great providing a massive amount of information on breast cancer but nothing they gave us was specifically focused on elderly women especially those who lived alone This one precise factor has prompted me to focus on this vulnerable population When I contacted the office and nursing manager about doing this educational in service for the staff the notion was met with enthusiasm The staff there was greatly appreciative that I have taken the time to build the brochure and to meet with them They were open to hear what information I had to provide I handed out an outline containing the information I wanted to cover the information above as well as the brochure I had created During the time I was there I covered each topic and left an adequate amount of time for questions My mother accompanied me to this presentation and the staff at the office was very glad to see her and how well she is doing My mother spoke of being elderly widowed and having a good support system already in place at the time of diagnosis At the end of my presentation it was asked of me to provide more copies of the brochure with the explanation that it was greatly appreciated that I had focused on the elderly and the information in it was geared toward them I have since e mailed the brochure along with the reference page for the brochure to the nursing manager They want to have it printed professionally to give to their elderly patients Conclusion In conclusion this has been a very challenging but also very rewarding project to carry out I have learned an immeasurable amount of information and for that I am grateful However as I look back on my mother s own experience with this same topic I wish that my mother and I had been provided with the same information I have compiled Perhaps my own research

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UOPX NUR 440 - Vulnerable Population in the Workplace

Course: Nur 440-
Pages: 3
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