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PAD 3003 Final Exam Chapter Review Week 13 Chapter 9 Public Budgeting The executive branch especially the US president had no formal role in federal budget decisions until the passage of the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 signed by Warren G Harding What does the Office of Budget Management do Provides the following financial information to Congress The amount of money the president is requesting for various federal agencies The amount of money in taxes the federal government will collect in a fiscal year Whether the federal government will have a deficit or surplus The total amount of the deficit or surplus Types of Budgets Executive Prepared by leaders typically within the executive branch President country chairman mayor etc Sent to the Legislative body for approval More prevalent and efficient Legislative Prepared by a body of elected representatives Operating Short term year to year budget that plans how resources will be allocated for public programs Capital Long term plan that deals with financing projects that typically include infrastructure bridges buildings and quality of life projects 5 types of Taxes Personal income percentage of an individual s wages salary at most 35 From 1950 2010 this has consistently been where the government gains most of its revenue Corporate income tax depend on profitability of a business Payroll tax Employees and employers pay jointly Capital gains tax sales of stocks bonds metals and real estate at most 15 Estate tax After someone dies federal government could collect depending on how much there is to tax Exacerbating and Mitigating Factors of Ethical Stress for CFO RCFO s Fiscal stress Confirmed from past studies from Wittmer and Coursey 1996 Supervisor s emphasis on politics in employee evaluations CFO s only Timely CFO and Adequate RCFOs Feedback Higher levels of education Miller Study confirmed Schmidt and Posner s 1986 work that the behavior of superiors was considered the factor that influenced unethical behavior the most Timney 1998 Barriers to citizen participation Time and location of meetings Cost in travel and lost days at work A perception that citizens do not know as much as administrators A perception that citizens tend to be more emotional about an issue than administrators Citizens are views as obstructionists can be directly linked to their weak assigned role in the process Weeks 11 12 Chapters 7 8 Performance and Evaluation Citizens are protagonists they are seen to be against the government O Reilly 1978 The incorrect reproduction of good information resulting from either conscious or deliberate alternation or unconscious manipulation Changing quality information often sabotages implementation of TQM It typically happens when individuals are trying to protect themselves or their department We should use surveys when there are Physical limitations Cost limitations Time limitations Needing confirmation Rossi Lipsey and Freeman 2004 6 primary stakeholders Policymakers Program sponsors Evaluation sponsors Program managers and practitioners Program targets 5 types of program evaluations Needs assessment Assessment f program theory Assessment of program process Program impact assessment Program efficiency assessment Scholars don t agree about the intensity or on the direction of the relationship between Chapter 12 Collaborative Governance and Network Management in Democracy ethics and NPM 3 types of Federalism Layer cake separate and distinct areas of authority Marble cake there are limited and distinct lines as to what makes up national state and local responsibilities Areas can be swirled Picket fence tight monetary relationships between all levels of government Types of Federal Grants Categorical funds used for specific purposes many restrictions on what the money can be used for Block Provides lump sum of money for a program and each state determines eligibility of what projects and what departments should have access to the fund favored by states due to the freedoms to decide what agencies and projects get funding Klijn and Skelcher 2005 What is a governance network Used to describe public policy making implementation through a web of relationships between government business and civil society actors Governance networks describe interactions stemming from new relationships between government organizations and other stakeholders Conjectures allow us the ability to better understand the complexities of relationships between governance networks and democracy Social Equity Social equity is rooted in the idea that each person is equal and has inalienable rights 1968 Minnowbrook I Minnowbrook NY Significant conference for social equity marked the beginning of New PA Emphasis on relevance value equity and change Chapter 10 Leadership in the Public Sector Malcolm Gladwell Blink 2005 height is the main focus of perceived leadership skills Prevailing Theories work done Style The ability to cultivate an atmosphere conducive to motivating and getting Situational have the ability to foster relationship or task orientated styles Contingency relationship v task orientated Transformational focuses on subordinate values ethics long term aspirations Life cycle levels of direction task behavior and emotional support relationship and general workplace roles behavior

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