WEEK 1 WHAT TO KNOW The differences between Private Goods Public Goods Toll Goods and Common Pool Resources Definitional evolution of Public Administration What does it mean today What was the progressive Reform Movement What is the Politics Administration Dichotomy and why was it important Frederickson s view on the New Public Administration What is public service The Athenian oath o Inherited by public administrators o Inter generational o Not a new idea Who are public servants were concepts from this o All are getting paid by tax dollars o Some elected and some are not A lot of the very basic idea that started the beginning of PA Elected are responsible for citizens Public administrators are NOT elected they are appointed Civil service positions have to be tested o Whether they are elected or not they should still be accountable to the general public o Public administration is concerned with accountability Don t want principal agent problems Government operations Charts on PPT CPO and OMB do almost the same thing o OMB goes more towards executive office Evaluates presidents policies older o CPO goes more towards legislation o There is a partisan influence on both of these o Provide check and balances for each other The government is extremely complex o Goods Public private toll goods and common goods Public non rival and non excludable CHART Evolving definitions of public administration Woodrow Wilson 1887 the business of government is to organize the common interest against the special interest Leonard White 1926 the objective is the most efficient utilization of the resources at the disposal of officials and employees Marc Holzer 2007 PA is the formation and implementation of public policy Paradox efficiency VS democracy VS equity History of public administration PA as academic discipline o Woodrow Wilson 1887 polisci Wrote an essay and argued that we need to study other governments in order to successfully manage governments Refocusing on operations of government rather than political truths Outocomes of interest were organizational efficiency and economy productivity Partisan politics had no place in study or practice of PA it is getting harder to run a constitution than to frame one PA for running government grounds for removal o Jeffersonian perspective misconduct not political differences are o Jacksonian perspective anyone especially political supporters should have an opportunity for public service Led to spoils system Populist platform o Economic political and moral development combined in the 1880 s 1900 s to bring about demand for merit based government The progressive Reform Movement o The Pendleton act of 1883 created a federal civil service system based on merit o Civil service commission first appointed by president grant 1871 then Rutherford Hayes lamented the lack of upward mobility o Reform spread to states and cities 200 cities had adopted civil service classification for workers by the 1930 s Goodnow 1990 o KNOW POLITICS ADMINISTRATION DICHOTOMY o Understand the argument Goodnow argues for two distinct functions of government politics and administrators One has to do with the expression of policies of state will The other concerns the policies execution Administrative execution must be subordinate to politics Politics must have some control over administration o Political actors President US senators US representatives Governors Attorney generals Cabinet Mayors Sheriffs o Administrators middle managers Department of directors public workers paramedics police firefighters military postal social workers Phases of public administration Evolution o Phase 1 post civil war to work war 1 eliminating evils of patronage and spoils system o Phase 2 post WW1 through 1970 emphasizes growth of public spending the new management in government at the local level reforms including city managers executive budget systems centralized and accountability centered administrative systems o Phase 3 PA in a quandary60s 70s The modern administrative state reached an apex of the scientific technical era People believed in policy analysis management systems and the new professional technical expertise of public administrators EX o JFK tasking NASA to win space race o Johnson s great society social programs o Rise of the keynesia economics and federal management of the economy through fiscal and monetary techniques FREDERICKSON VIEW the NEW PA 70 s o Dwight waldo and the minnowbrook conference trying to reshape PA in light of the future and turmoil of the country Zero sum games between administration efficiency and political responsiveness Classic PA was organized around increasing efficiency and economy NPA emphasizes a commitment to social equity less generic more public less descriptive more prescriptive less beauracratic centered more client centered o virtue in public life both the study and practices of public administration were founded in the ethical logic of jurisdiction based government reform PA has been slow to respond to the declining salience of government reform and ethics challenges What does Frederickson mean by vulgar ethics of the common people or ordinary ethics PA ethics of putting rules and regulations in place to keep beauracrats from behaving badly No extraordinary cases or examples WEEK THREE WHAT TO KNOW Teleological vs Deontological views of ethics What is administrative ethics What are examples of administrative evil from the Adams and Balfour article Lost notes Ethics o Teological importance of maximizing what is good greek telos results Consequences of actions are the most critical factor utility oriented towards reults ends justify means o Deontological Stresses motives and intentions Greek deon what is binding Based on principle o SAME Unit of analysis the individual because they assume that ethical actors in general are behaving either to maximize their own utility or their motives Tuskegee experiment o Act os misconduct o 40 year long experiment in which treatment was withheld from 199 poor black sharecroppers who testes positive for syphilis never told they suffered from this Bill Clinton made a public apology to the eight living survivors Administrative ethics for this misconduct o a set of normative guidelines directed at resolving conflicts of interest so as to enhance societal well being Zinkman o Rights and duties that individuals should respect when they act in ways that seriously affect the well being of other individuals in society o
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