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MUH 2019 Modern Popular Music Review Sheet Exam 4 Reminder Exam will be held on Thursday April 30th at 10 00 am First true heavy metal band Black Sabbath The two principle musical roots of heavy metal are blues and classical this has to do with guitarist Genre coming off rock and hard rock also Which country s chief cultural export is satanic black metal Norway Heavy Metal Early Hip hop Socioeconomic context in the Bronx late 1970s Postindustrial state of cities lack of federal funding housing crisis and urban decay Post Civil Rights Area new equalities for African Americans neglect of social consciousness by government and society Rising cost of living went up in the Bronx After civil rights movement We see this phenomenon of disco and funk during this time Elements of hip hop graffiti break dancing dj mc rapping the comes the last component but becomes central part for the movement of hip hop graffiti had a sort of dangerous part to it it begins to die out it was really the dg and mcs began to erose in this phenonmenon artistic continuities flow layering and rupture in line counter fashion prestige of names Emerged as alternative identity for youth in marginalized urban spaces Rooted in specific local experience or urban space Kool Herc born in Jamaica in 1955 break spinning in clubs and parks used breaks and bridges from other records Also sampled b beats diverse array of musical sources Collaborated with MC Coka not rap but announced and hyped the crowd Merry Go Round Grandmaster Flash create a lot of djs innovations including break spinning back spinning also punch phrasing allowed to repeat phrases foundation of public enemy s techniques and others Flash and furious five 1982 The Message established the rapper mc as central to hip hop Founder of scratching Two records at the same time both moving them back and forth to get both sounds o The Message view of urban day life in every scene lyrics are laying out hurdles and barriers and highlighting frustration of not being able to get out of the circumstance even the presentation of the rappers themselves and the refrain keeps coming back don t push me representing ominous urban figure Flash and the furious five Rapper melle mel Established social realism in rap Presents grim portrait of life in south Bronx Mixture of humor and images of desperation Second half in toast style delivery Afrika Bambataa o Founder of Zulu Nation Sugar Hill Gang Rapper s Delight took the name from winning an essay contest and got a trip to Jamaica techno sound Planet Rock Founder of Zulu Nation fought against crime and gang culture he wanted to transform the youth into a positive way Influenced the development of global hip hop including French rapper mc solar Hip hop in the 1990s Gangsta Rap N W A Raps about the gansta lifestyle full of images of sex and violence out of the prison toast tradition Attitude sensibility and sound were influenced by Public Enemy Ice T Six in the Morning O Shea Ice Cube Jackson Andre Dr Dre Young Eric Eazy E Wright Founder of Ruthless Records 1986 1989 album Straight Outta Compton Controversial by portraying Los Angeles gang life without moral distancing Ice Cube leaves and goes on to successful solo career Queen Latifah o U N I T Y Queen Latifah Dana Elaine Owens Provided alternative to misogynist braggadocio of gansta rap Balanced feminism with racial solidarity Debut album on Tommy Boy records 1989 All Hail the Queen Hit single Ladies First Influenced by R B Public Enemy Formed in New York City Leader Chuck D MC Flavor Flav DJ Terminator X production team aka The Bomb Squad paramilitary bodyguards S1W Advanced black nationalism and Afrocentricity Politically and technically advanced lyrics It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back 1988 and Fear of a Black Planet 1990 Gansta Rap and Violence o Campaign to Stop the Violence 1989 Gangsta rap stylized images combining a survivalist outlook with a celebration of the gangster lifestyle providing a chronicle of dilemmas faced by urban communities Controversy surrounding uncompromising lyrics Campaign to Stop the Violence 1989 album all star line up of rap artists Aimed at ending black on black violence Tricia Rose her research on hip hop and perceptions of violence According to hip hop scholar Dr Tricia Rose how would one best interpret the violent lyrics of gansta rap artist Lyrics are neither complete fiction or autobiographical but reflect the real social realities of socioeconomically depressed urban areas of America Hip hop outside the U S El General The voice of Tunisia Reflection of highly educated young adult demographic Population of north Africa are weighted towards youth Frustration that they have Significance of opening video clip with president Ben Ali Helped fuel Initial Paris Spring protests in Tunisia Brief arrest by government followed by international stardom Song was broadcast and chanted in Egypt protests and elsewhere in Middle East Rais Lebled NTM Nique La Police F the Police hip hop group formed in the 1900s Remix Edith Piaf french singer Remix of Dj Cut Killer Je ne regretted rien Band from most radio stations in the beginning they performed it live and said bad stuff about police so they were sentenced to jail and then there were protest so they didn t face any time Dam First Palestine hip hop group Live in Isreal Talk about 6 percent is jewis and Christian arabs Message of the song is in refrence to the broader Israeli Palestine Conflict Similar to The Message The Internet Era Changes in the Music Industry o Home recording o Digital media distribution o Digital editing software o Portable music iPod shuffle phenomenon Concept of the album we have the ability to shuffle we get to choose what we want to listen to we see fragmentation of musical taste you can walk around with ear buds and customize our own albums Comes around to effect sound of the song We come back to the single not the album anymore MPEG digitally compressed file followed by MP3 downloadable file which is more compressed better sound recording and storing music in a way that it is small enough that It can be distributed easily on the internet Illegal piracy o Napster had multiple reincarnation Developed in 1999 Allowed for file sharing from centralized server Sued by RIAA Shut down in 2001 Peer and peer distributions of songs 18 year old dropped out of school and invented napster and there were millions of digital files of music from major record companies He was eventually

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