Public Administration Dichotomy and its influences o Refocusing on operations of government rather than political truths o Outcomes of interest were Organizational Efficiency and Economy Productivity o Partisan Politics had no place in the study and practice of PA o The business of government is to organize the common interest against the special Wilsonian View interest Goodnow s View o Goodnow argued for two distinct functions of government Politics and Administration o One has to do with the expression of policies of state will o The other concerns the policies execution o Administrative execution must be subordinated to Politics o Politics has to do with policies and the administration dealt with their execution o Divided into two Political Actors President U S Senators U S Representatives Governors State Senators State Representatives Attorneys General State Auditors Secretaries of State Cabinet Officers Mayors Council members Commissioners Sheriffs Administrators Department directors Division heads Bureau chiefs Middle Managers Street level Bureaucrats City managers Police Paramedics Public Works Firefighters Urban Planners Military Postal workers Social workers Eras of Organizational Theory Classical Era o Fredrick Taylor father of scientific management Fine tune by time and motion studies went into factories with an engineering person to scientifically study Sees how each employee does a method and how it is done fastest Creates a dogma saying there is one best way Develops 4 principles 1 Rules and formulas for most efficient way of completing tasks 2 Study the capabilities of workers to identify strengths and limitations 3 Fuse together work procedures and specialized training which is said to be the most important responsibility of management 4 Equal division of responsibility between management and workers o Weber Hierarchal power is centralized individual responsibilities are jurisdictional and uniform procedures are executed in the interest of efficiency Control and power are sources of responsibility Authority is centralized Mandates uniform procedures which are to be executed in an impersonal fashion Bureaucracies function best when responsibilities are divided according to competence Written documents as a formal line of communication Machine like structure o Productivity and getting more work done o Seeing employees as specialized o Efficiency o Organizations as machines Neo Classical Era o Herbert Simon Said Classical Management is not grounded in scientific research and should use the methods of controlled experimentation and quantitative analysis Advocate of Fact Value Dichotomy that management science inquiry be concerned with only facts o Robert Merton Said that in the Weberian model transparency and citizen participation are nonexistent The Weberian model is so rigid that an organizations members are unable to adapt to changing conditions because patterns of behavior are programmed o People aren t just motivated by money there s other things that will motivate them o Informal and Formal Organization o All design principles from Classical Era didn t actually gather real statistical evidence that is generalizable not enough scientific bedrock o Public Administration needs to focus on fact valuable dichotomy and quantify facts o Democratic responsibility If you build giant bureaucracy they won t be democratic and won t take accountability or won t be responsive to the public Humanizing Theory o Looks at people more individually than as a machine o Looks at the rules o Focuses on the Cognitive architecture of people o The variation of leadership styles and how they re effective Public Values and Their Applications Two logical processes o Inductive Logic o Deductive Logic Public Interest Theory to research Public Values Beginning with some data and then determine what general conclusions can logically be derived from that data Beginning with statements that are believed to be true and then determine what else would have to be true o Metaphysical and unscientific o childish myths o What happened to the public sphere o Political scientists economists public administrators all had different ideas about what o Described by Bozeman as providing normative consensus about a the rights benefits and prerogatives to which citizens should be entitled b obligations of citizens to society state and one another c the principles on which government and policies should be based o Public interest theory is an ideal rather than a scientifically instrumental construct Privateness is market constraints that affects an institution whereas Publicness is political constraints that affects an institution o Normative publicness Understanding the mix of economic and political authorities of institutions in order to understand their potential to achieve public values Economic Individualism o Bozeman in matters economic the values and interests of the individual o Human centered needs based on the individual not society o Social and governmental institutions are at best a means of satisfying individual needs o Maximum freedom of choice Each individual is best judge of their own needs o Moderated Selfishness Importance of HR Management Managing human resources effectively is a dynamic process that uses o Cultivating and Maintaining a High Quality of Work Environment Recruiting the best and brightest through external strategies going outside your organization and evaluating the talent on the market by going to job fairs schools media coverage etc and internal strategies building people up from within the organization usually done by public sector Employee Development through training done throughout one s career Delegation Managers often do not delegate because they fear mistakes Figure out most equal way to divide management and workers Workers need incentives Goes beyond competitive pay and benefits which can be described through Abraham Maslow s Hierarchy of Human Needs Account for employee needs expectations and attitudes and recognizing employees differing abilities and knowledge o The most important resource of any public organization is its Human Resources o Theories X and Y Theory X the average person dislikes work and will avoid it if possible which leads to them needing to be coerced controlled threatened or reprimanded to motivate in order to achieve organizational goals Theory Y work comes naturally to most people external control and reprimand is not necessary for achievement
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