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PAD3003 Midterm Study Guide Chapter 13 Popular Culture and Public Administration Critics argue that the bureaucracy is epitomized by the sufficiency of mediocrity and a significant loss of independence Don t rock the boat Popular culture has reinforced contrast between o the new public employees eagerness to serve and make a difference Vs o the well entrenched bureaucrat who stereotypically overemphasizes formality rules and regulations Also depicts Public Servants as stifled losing all sense of independence pride and initiative they seem to no longer care and only go through the motions until retirement Bureaucratic behavior not HARMLESS Guilt by association for Civil Servants Popular view of Bureaucracy through MEDIA Targeted Audience Public administrations target audience must be multifaceted the primary goal should be to capture future minds Intangible Income public servants who are dedicated to serving their fellow citizens are motivated by desires and make our society a better place to live in they are motivated by the calling to contribute to improving the lives of their fellow citizens and by compelling desire to address social problems Non Profit Sector Invisible part of public sector NOT considered formal gov Funding in the form of federal grants 500 Billion in grants in 2008 NOT part of the market economy but provides similar services that for profit organ Do provide Citizens view the non profit as the threads that hold our society together Motivation not to increase profit but to achieve their service goals Approx 1 4 million non profit organizations 12 5 million people employed by them Chapter 1 Government and Taxes know the flow of funding Taxation unique power of the gov collected by o Federal State and Local Agencies Spending in the US o Federal 2 7 Trillion 65 o State Local 4 Trillion 35 o These two combine for 32 of US GDP 1 3 of economy Funding Direct Tax o Goes to states then distributed to localities and private organizations to serve a public purpose o Large part of Gov spending comes from income taxes which go to Medicare Social Security earmarked o Ones collected by tolls bridges tunnels direct tax used for integrated transportation networks Know the Numbers and the Definitions of the Bureaucracy Relatively consistent 17 of all individuals in the US are employed by the Government Federal Gov is the US largest single employer Max Webers definition of the bureaucracy o Function is to ensure that goods services can be produced as efficiently as possible Wilson Article How does he view administration what is the relationship to politics Separation between politics and administration Administration is a field of business that is removed from the hurry strife of politics o Part of political life as machinery is to a manufactured product Administrative Questions are NOT Political Questions o Although politics set the tasks for administration it should NOT manipulate the office Three Periods of Growth 1st period of absolute ruler 2nd period in which constitutions are framed to do away w absolute rulers 3rd period in which sovereign people undertake the development of administration under the new constitution Goodnow Article The 3 Authorities o Judicial o Executive o Administrative As government becomes more complex these 3 become more and more differentiated 1st to do so is Judiciary Expression Execution of State Polices o Politics has to do w policies and expression of state will Guides or influencing gov policy o Administration has to do w the execution of policies American legislature discharges very frequently the function of admin Through its power of Passing special acts Exercising its veto power Administration as the function of executing the executive authority o The function of executing the will of the state Politics expression of state will Harmony Subordination and Political Paralysis actual political necessity requires that there is harmony of powers between the expression and execution of state will o lack of this harmony between the law and its execution results in political paralysis Rule of Conduct an expression of state will means nothing if not executed Harmony between Expression and Execution o One must be subordinate to the other this is the ONLY way for a o Executing authority administration that must be subordinate to the harmonious relationship expressing authority politics B c the expressing authority can be far more representative of the people than the executing can Fredrickson Article Social Equity includes all activities designed to enhance the political power and economic wellbeing of these minorities Minorities those who lack political economic resources o New Public Administration added social equity help minorities o New Public Admin seeks to change those polices structures that systematically inhibit social equity Militancy o Public Administration which fails to work for changes in which try to redress the deprivation of minorities will likely be eventually used to repress those minorities Chapter 2 Know the classical movement and its theorists Taylor and all others POSDCORB Weberian Bureaucracy Fayol s principles Urwick Brownlow Commission Fredrick Taylor s Scientific Management 4 Principles o 1st most efficient ways of completing tasks o 2nd maximize individual capabilities specialization o 3rd fusion of procedures and training o 4th division of labor Primary effects of this are productivity and efficiency Max Webers Model includes components from Taylor s o Weberian bureaucracy is a machine efficiency is paramount Hierarchy technical expertise and merit based appointments in conjunction with uniform and impersonal procedures greater organizational output Webers Model of Bureaucracy entails o Division of labor and function specialization o Vertical hierarchy o Formal rules and procedures o Maintenance and records and files o Emphasis on neutral administration and professionalism Gulick and Urwick 1937 POSDCORB o Set of organizational processes that offer executives a tangible understanding of administration o POSDCORB Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Coordinating Reporting Budgeting Fayols 14 Principles of Management o Believed that his principles of management are universal and applicable to any type of organization 14 Principles o 1 Division of Work specialization allowed for continuous improvement of skills methods which increased productivity o 2 Authority right to give orders w expectation they will be followed

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FSU PAD 3003 - Popular Culture and Public Administration

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