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KNOWLEDGE Be aware of how we grow old and what the process is Let others get it Being Familiar With Aging Process Date of publication BE KNOWLEDGEABLE NOW ASSUMPTION OF AGING 1 myth charged with lot of pessimistic associations in human mind We talk about it negatively and treat old people differently The aging process has been a The traditional concept of aging 2 affirms that we grow old as we pass years and it dominates our whole being 3 The concept of aging creates inequity based on people s age It is a jaundiced view that affects office environment and our society The concept of aging segregate 4 older persons from the community tagging them as dependent inefficient and weak CORE MYTHS OF AGING 6 USEFUL IDEAS 1 Fully grown people cannot adapt to new situations and so they get attached to fixed rules and ways Try to know more about the process to debunk the traditional labeling and ideas attached to aging 2 Fully grown people are not willing to be trained in up to date ideas Kids should know how humans grow old keeping in mind the optimistic use of older age 3 Fully grown people are incapable of having amusement 4 Becoming old refers to frailty and death Early life is referred to physical energy and good looks 5 This concept associates physical inability with mental inability Say yes to old age as it is a considerable inborn portion of life Do not feel bitter about old age Many of your friends did not get the chance of growing older Confront anything in your speech and actions that express traditional view of growing old You can change yourself then Look at the commercials to see how grown up people are missing or how they are being presented Challenge it Before making any joke see if it fails to appreciate old people Company Name Street Address City ST ZIP Code Address 2 Phone 555 555 0125 Fax 555 555 0145 Web site address

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UOPX NUR 440 - Being Familiar With Aging Process

Course: Nur 440-
Pages: 2
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