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General questions short answer What is ethics What is administrative ethics Ethics A set of normative guidelines directed at resolving conflicts of interest so as to enhance societal well being Administrative ethics Rights and duties that individuals should respect when they act in ways that seriously affect the well being of others and society What are the items listed on the traditional public administration ethics cannon it is a long list be able to list some of them there are 14 in the book I chose these 5 1 Employees shall not use public office for personal gain 2 Employees shall put forth honest effort in the performance of duties 3 Fair and equal treatment of citizens 4 Prohibits against conflicts of interest 5 Prohibits bribery Did the cannon work overall Did we find virtue The cannon outer face did work in the sense of establishing a base for ethics but the unwritten rules inner face has the biggest impact because following the cannon 100 will make it difficult to efficiently accomplish their duties I believe we did find virtue with the establishment of the cannon as it gives a solid base for establishing appropriate ethics Ethical compass Friedrick Finer debate essentially a debate about the use of administrative discretion Self directing and self regulating unwritten Friedrich rules Teleological Finner rules Deontological Legislation over officials is key written Pick a public organization any of your choice and outline what budget format s would be best suited This requires you to discuss the strengths and drawbacks of the budget types used in our textbook This just requires you to choose a public organization Ex Prisons that organization Then state which budgets would work best for Operating budget Capital budget Line item budget Performance budget Zero based budget PPBS Planning Program Budgeting System Budget Audit Case questions The administrators are facing an ethical dilemma is the dilemma teleological and or deontological Elaborate Teleological End always justify means Deontology End does not justify means Outline the decision making process undertaken by the administrator 7 steps to decision making 1 Pinpointing the problem 2 Identifying the cause 3 Setting objectives 4 Formulating action alternatives 5 Evaluate coarse of action verse the objective 6 Allows the decision make to make best choice 7 Implementing and evaluating

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FSU PAD 3003 - Ethics

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