BSC1005L Study Guide with Learning Objectives Investigation 1 The Nature and Process of Science Investigation 2 Animal Structures and Processes The process of science is non linear because it is complex and involves constant problem solving and revision to predictions and approaches The peer review process is crucial in the process of science because when multiple sources support the same explanation it increases the quality and credibility of the scientific investigation An observation is any information gathered through at least one of your senses An inference is an assumption based on observations and past Data experiences of the interpretation of the data is collected during an experiment while evidence is the product A hypothesis is a tentative testable explanation for a set of phenomena Flowers receiving more nutrients grow taller because growth is limited by nutrient availability A Prediction is an expected outcome based on the hypothesis Flowers that are supplemented with fertilizer will grow faster than flowers not supplemented with fertilizer In order to be characterized as a living organism the organism must be able to grow reproduce maintain homeostasis sense and respond to stimuli and obtain and use energy environment despite changes in the external environment sweat thirst is when an organism maintains a stable internal Homeostasis The nervous system processes sensory information and controls responses to internal changes and external stimuli that may result from interactions with other organisms changing environmental conditions or typical daily activities There are four structures that both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have in common a nucleus lysosome mitochondrion and a vacuole A nucleus controls all the activities of a cell and contains the genetic material of the cell A lysosome digests and recycles used cell components and also are used to protect the cell from outside invaders A mitochondrion acts as a digestive system in the cell They take in nutrients break them down and create energy for the cell Cellular respiration also takes place in the mitochondria A vacuole is used to store food and other nutrients that a cell needs in order to survive A vacuole is normally bigger in plant cells than in animal cells Investigation 3 The Functions and Responses of Living Systems Homeostasis is the body s ability to maintain a stable internal environment even when the external environment changes Examples Sweat to reduce heat thirst to relieve dehydration Drugs that interact with your nervous system also affect other body block nerve impulses while excitatory either increase the effect of an excitatory neurotransmitter systems Your brain tells your body systems via the nervous system to let your body know how to react and maintain homeostasis Inhibitory neurotransmitters neurotransmitters amplify nerve impulses Stimulants or block the effect of an inhibitory neurotransmitter increase the action of an inhibitory neurotransmitter Standard Deviation representing how they differ from each other and from the mean A higher number of samples taken will result in a smaller standard deviation either block the action of an excitatory neuron or is the degree of spread between your data values Depressants Investigation 4 Reproduction and Animal Development Mitosis is the process of cell replication during which the cell doubles its chromosomes and then separates the two copies into two separate nuclei In Mitosis the cell only divides once and creates two diploid daughter cells is the process in which the parent cell divides twice while the chromosomes double only once to produce four haploid sex cells that only contain half the genetic material of the parent cell Meiosis Meiosis produces genetically diverse gametes by independent assortment and crossing over Independent Assortment side on the plane of cell division Each individual has two copies of is when homologous pairs line up on either Crossing Over each chromosome one maternal copy and one paternal copy and which goes into each gamete is completely random is when the maternal chromosome may exchange some genetic material with the paternal chromosome within a homologous pair creating chromosomes that are not exact copies of those in the original parent When two point s standard deviation overlap each other in a graph it is impossible to tell whether the points are statistically significant in comparison to one another Investigation 5 Gametogenesis Contraception and STIs is a hormone in the female reproductive cycle that signals is a hormone in the female reproductive cycle that triggers FSH development of the primary oocyte LH ovulation and the release of the egg from the follicle cycle that promote thickening of the endomentrium Low levels of these hormones can also trigger menstruation and Estrogen are hormones in the female reproductive Progesterone hCG is a hormone in the female reproductive cycle that maintains secretion of progesterone and estrogen so the endometrium stays intact Viral STIs can be more difficult to treat than bacterial STIs because bacterial STI s can be cured with medication while viral ones can not be Investigation 6 Genetics and Heredity Gel Electrophoresis separates DNA fragments according to size by using an electrical charge to repel the negatively charged DNA fragments Shorter fragments will travel faster through the gel than longer fragments With this process people are able to compare their DNA fingerprints and determine whether they carry a gene DNA is structured in a double helix wrapped into histones then nucleosome then chromatin fiber and then are looped together into twinning chromatids that form a chromosome Punnett Square Investigation 7 Cancer and the Epigenome Genotype Phenotype Epigenome is the unique DNA code that is determined at the moment of is your physical traits that were given to you because of fertilization when the two halves of genetic material in the egg and the sperm unite Your genotype determines your phenotype your genotype is expressed or silenced Epigenetic elements may allow environmental factors like diet stress and exercise to have an effect on your genes is a secondary genome that determines how your genome Cell division must be tightly regulated because if cell division is unregulated it can lead to massive cell growth and eventually cancer Investigation 8 Ecosystem Ingredients means living aspects of an ecosystem means nonliving aspects of an ecosystem
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