The blue text is text strictly taken from Moffatt s slides As I took notes I incorporated them accordingly Graphs and photographs are also solely taken from Moffatt s PowerPoint PET3380C February 26 2013 I Remember VO2 max Q max A VO2difference max a VO2 max HR max SV max A VO2difference max i That is how you get maximal oxygen consumption II What we are going to talk about is not so much the interplay but how we measure what are the criteria for establishing it how it is assessed and whether it is accurate a Not so much the training affects but the factors that influence it III You should already know that VO2max gives information at a couple of different levels a If you are an athlete and you perform at an athletic event that requires high aerobic capacity then that means a lot to you in order to maximize your ability to consume oxygen i Distance runner or midfielder in soccer ii For a weightlifter or sprinter this is less meaningful IV VO2max has also a more health perspective as well a We are centering in around chronic disease prevention and one of the things we know is that maximal oxygen consumption is directly related to a number of factors that are factors of many of these diseases b Heart disease for example i The higher your aerobic capacity the more aerobically physically fit you are the lower the number of these risk factors related to physical activity 1 The way in which cholesterol is transported the effect on triglycerides the effect on stress all affect aerobic capacity not just athletic performance a If you are going to be able to do something to actually perform the neuromuscular system is involved you have to be able to take in adequate amounts of air and you have to effectively engage the cardiovascular system to its fullest that doesn t just mean pumping out blood but includes circulating it i These determine your ability to maximally consume oxygen b It integrates aspects of the aerobic transport system V It requires an integration among several systems Hb i Pulmonary ventilation ii iii Blood volume and Q iv Blood flow v Aerobic metabolism energetics 1 Mitochondria enzymes etc a All of these are part of the integration c He mentioned the second schematic from last tests printouts that include the integration of all these systems he didn t say this to waste breathe take a look at it and understand The blue text is text strictly taken from Moffatt s slides As I took notes I incorporated them accordingly Graphs and photographs are also solely taken from Moffatt s PowerPoint d VO2max Provides a quantitative measure of an individual s capacity for aerobic ATP resynthesis Important marker rather than of physical fitness Also defined as the region where oxygen consumption plateaus or increases only slightly with an increase in workload Differentiate between absolute and relative and when you would use them People who engage in large muscle activity chronically tend to have higher aerobic capacities a Another way to look at it sports will engage the individual in different ways and VI challenge the system in different ways i Those two combined will dictate what ones aerobic capacity will be 1 Sedentary male or female will have a VO2max of 40 44mL kg a mL of oxygen consumed per kg of body weight per min 2 Trained non athlete will have a VO2max of 49 51mL kg a Due to overloading the system and stimulating it to adapt 3 Trained distance runner endurance will have even higher b People who engage more muscle mass will have a tendency to have higher VO2max i Cross country skiers are top ranked then distance runners 1 Depending on sports performance and effort VII So how do we know when we have maximal oxygen consumption a There are criteria points i RER of 1 1 ii Attainment of age predicted max heart rate 220 age iii Blood lactate levels of 8 mmols or higher iv A lack of increase of 2 1 ml kg 1 min 1 with an increase in workload 10 1 No different than 150mL of oxygen consumed per workload b What if the test was terminated early or if they reached the circled point on the graph and then stopped Let us also include the fact that you reached an RER of 1 1 and a lactate level over the criteria requirements and you reached maximal heart rate did you reach VO2max i That only tells you that you have satisfied certain criteria and most people do reach maximum with these but not all the time c What if the next workload kept going lineraly but you stopped at the circled dot i You can t tell if you reached maximum ii What we look for is a physiological maximum and what that means that in spite of increasing work O2 consumption does not increase it may even drop iii All you know about this hypothetical workload without this information is that you reached a VO2peak The blue text is text strictly taken from Moffatt s slides As I took notes I incorporated them accordingly Graphs and photographs are also solely taken from Moffatt s PowerPoint iv VO2max is certin when you reach a plateau asymptote A line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance like the figure 1 We did more work but O2 consumption just wasn t going to get any higher d Explain the difference between VO2 max and VO2 peak highest value attained during a graded exercise test True vo2 max test will result in volitional exhaustion not fatigue as a result of local fatigue ie muscle Typical test should not be any less than about 4 5 minutes and not go beyond 12 minutes Intrinsically being motivated can affect performance e VIII Is there a way we can manipulate VO2max a This graph shows that the two peaks were attained during two separate tests the first peak occurred with 2 minute increases in intensity and the second peak increased every one minute The results show that even if the test is manipulated given same type of test that there should be no affect on VO2 max b Blood loss can affect carrying capacity and VO2max c Altitude can cause partial pressure of i n m L n o i t p m u s n o c n e g y x O 4 3 5 3 2 5 2 1 5 1 0 5 0 VO2 max L min 1 3 5 7 9 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 Time min oxygen to decrease which means the loading delivery and extraction of oxygen decreases causing a decrease in oxygen consumption i So you really cant manipulate it in some circumstances but you can artificially through change in the environment or having the two things listed above d Pre exercise warnmup can allow you to get steady state quicker but VO2max will not e One way you can manipulate it is through
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