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CCJ3644 1 9 13 Introduction What Constitutes WCC Example deaths associated with an earthquake would appear to be unrelated to WCC But what if it is a consequence of greedy developers paying off corrupt governmental inspectors to evade proper building codes How to define WCC Payne describes three factors used to distinguish WCC s 1 white collar crimes are committed during the course of one s job 2 the offenders occupational role plays a central feature in the perpetration of the crime 3 the offenders occupation is viewed as legitimate by society Simply put it s an economic crime committed by either fraud deception or collusion One the second point occupational role this refers to their position within that job using the power or networks that come with that role On the third piece drug dealing wouldn t really be WCC but pharmaceutical drugs sold like a woman working in a drug store and selling those drugs after hours is usually WCC Why study WCC Payne offers six reasons to study WCC 1 white collar crime is a serious problem in our society and costs far more in damage than property crimes 2 white collar crime affects everyone large number of victims 3 by studying WCC offending we learn more about all types of crime 4 effective prevention and intervention systems and policies to be developed 5 to provide info about potential careers related to WCC 6 insight into current culture and subculture On one WCC costs exponentially more than burglary and robbery On two affects everyone A standard robbery happens in a micro level maybe only affects one person WCC affects so many more Four prevention and intervention people create companies that essentially fortify networks of places like the Pentagon and all These companies of been emerging more in the last decade or so Involves large organizations Numerous individuals in different positions Complicated transactions carried out over long periods of time Because this field of study is complex one must understand The complex nature of WCC WCC is Complex Economics Management Law Sociology Psychology Ways to research WCC Surveys Field research Experiments Case studies Archival research It s so tough to research white collar crime Bernie Madoff for example all lawyered up not answering questions Not only that but white collar crimes happen much more infrequently Surveys offenders Common research strategy for WCC Groups who are surveyed cj officials general public victims of WCC and WCC Types of Surveys on site administration Face to face interviews Telephone interviews Mail surveys know the strengths and weaknesses of all 4 types payne pg 6 One of the difficulties with surveys is that it s difficult to know how accurate that information is Asking a judge for example whether he did so and so or no LEGITIMACY here this is a big issue One strength is anonymity Field Research Experiments Case Studies Definition strategies where researches enter a particular setting and gather data through their observations in those settings Weakness is that when you enter a company maybe as a guest you re very obviously there with an agenda you re looking for something and they company knows that They ll allow you to see what they want telling their employees what s up Definition studies where the researches examine how the presence of one variable the casual or independent variable produces an outcome the effect of the dependent variable Classic experimental design control and experimental group Quasi experimental design use design for most WCC mimic the experimental designs but lack certain elements of the experimental design such as randomization Weakness can t randomize so we have to go into a specific corporation and observe whatever we can We can at least look to see what elements might be predictive like age or sex or status etc A lot of experiments or info used in experiments is gathered from those surveys Definition allows researches to select a particular crime criminal event or phenomena and study the features surrounding the causes and consequences of those events Remember the example of the Ford Pinto exploding when rear ended Remember her example of taking drugs that her school handed out Archival Research Types of Archives Definition refers to studies that use some form of record or archive as a database in the study CCJ3644 1 11 13 duties Case records official records that are housed in an agency that has formal social control Pre sentence reports Developed by probation officers an include a wealth of info about offenders their life histories criminal careers and sentences they received Media reports Using news articles press reports and television depictions of WCC to demonstrate what kind of info members of the public are likely to receive Case descriptions of specific WCC Can see financial impacts The Scientific Perspective and WCC How to relate the principle of science to WCC o Objectivity researchers must be value free and unbiased o Parsimonious keep explanations as simple as possible o Determinism that the behavior is caused or influenced by preceding events or factors areas o Skepticism social scientists must question and re question their findings o Relativism all things are related change in one area will lead to changes in other WCC how WCC is defined the nature of WCC and how the CJ system respond to WCC The systems perspective and WCC Know the differences between these systems Payne pg 17 Technological Changes in the technological systems have led to changes in the way the some white collar offenders commit their crimes and it has provided additional tools that government officials can use in their pursuit of identifying and responding to WCC Political involved in defining laws and regulations defining all forms of crime including white collar crime 3 levels include local state and federal systems of government Educational relates to WCC inasmuch as WC careers typically come out of this system This system prepares individuals for their future careers and lives Religious This system has been seen as providing institutions that have the potential to prevent misconduct of the public our capitalist system Social represents a setting where individuals have various needs fulfilled and learn how to do certain things as well as reasons for doing those behaviors Social services includes numerous agencies involved in providing services to members Occupational the system where the bulk of professions are found composed of other systems and

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