1 Be familiar with factors which affect the aerobic training response intensity duration etc Applied Exercise Physiology Exam III Study Guide Exam date November 15 2012 Training Principles for aerobic exercise a F I T T principle I intensity overload i F frequency overload and reversibility ii iii T time overload and specificity iv T type specificity 2 Maintenance of aerobic fitness gains pg 478 a In one study healthy young adults increased VO2max 25 with 10 weeks of interval training by bicycling and running for 40 minutes 6 x a week i They then joined one of two groups which continued to exercise an additional 15 weeks at same intensity and duration but only 2 4x a week b Another study evaluated reduced training duration on maintenance of improved aerobic fitness Upon completing the same protocol from above 10 weeks of training subjects continued to maintain intensity and frequency for an additional 15 weeks but at reduced duration from the original 40 min sessions to either 26 or 13 min per day i They maintained almost all VO2max and performance increases despite a 2 3 reduction in training duration c With intensity held constant the frequency and duration of exercise required to maintain a cetain level of aerobic fitness remain considerably lower than that required to induce improvement i A small decline in exercise intensity reduces VO2max ii This indicates that exercise intensity plays a principal role in maintaining the increase ins aerobic capacity achieved through training 3 Understand various cardiovascular adaptations that occur with chronic training pg 460 a Long term aerobic training generally increases the heart s mass and volume with greater left ventricular end diastolic volumes during rest and exercise b Trained individuals higher cardiac output than untrained higher stroke volume lower heart rate than sedentary higher VO2 max 4 Explain the concepts of overload reversibility where it applies to training Understand different ways you can apply the overload principle a Overload principle regular applications of specific exercise overload help enhance physiological function to induce a training response Exercising at intensities greater than normal stimulates highly specific adaptations for the body functions more efficiently It requires manipulating training frequency intensity and during with focus on exercise mode i Adaptation only occurs if demands are increased beyond what the system is accustomed to b Reversibility loss of physiologic and performance adaptations occurs rapidly when a person terminates participation in regular physical activity Only 1 2 weeks of detraining reduces metabolic and exercise capacity Use it or lose it 5 What is the Karvonen formula What is an optimal target heart rate for cardiovascular adaptations use the Karvonen formula to calculate a THR HR max HR rest x 60 HR rest b As you become more aerobically trained your resting heart rate tends to decrease c HR max always stays the same 220 age decreses with age 6 Understand task specificity a Adaptations in metabolic and physiological functions that are dependent on the type and mode of overload imposed Results show anaerobic exercise induces specific strength power adaptations while endurance induces specific aerobic system adaptations i Ex aerobic training that relies on specific muscles in the desired performance most effectively improves aerobic fitness for swimming bicycling running or upper body exercise Studies show training improvement peaks when measured at the same day training regularly occurred Neuromuscular Adaptations to Resistance Training 1 Define resistance training resistance exercise and training adaptations a Resistance exercise an acute increase in motor unit recruitment and firing rate inducing a muscular contraction to overcome an external load imposed on the active muscle groups i Typically refers to an acute bout of exercise ex workouts b Resistance training aka strength training a long term exercise program consisting of repeated bouts of resistance exercise with the intent of improving or maintaining muscular strength i Modifies both neural and muscular components of the neuromuscular system c Training adaptations the bodies physiological response to overcome the continuous stresses imposed on various physiological systems i Example an individuals experiences increases in muscular strength adaptation during resistance training to overcome the load stressor that the muscle contracts against ii An individuals experiences improved aerobic capacity adaptation following endurance training to overcome the intensity or duration of the run stressor Understand the two adaptations contributing to muscular strength development and details regarding each o Neural adaptations Recruitment frequency and synchronization Enhancing neural activity to the muscle will increase the capacity by which the muscle can generate force ex increasing strength Recruitment with lower force exercises only the slow twitch fibers will be recruited Increasing the load would increase the amount of fast twitch fibers recruited which would then increase the amount of force generated This would be optimal for a strength trainer because type IIx fibers generate the highest amount of force o Type I Type IIa Type IIx o Muscular adaptations Hypertrophy Firing rate increasing firing rate will also increase the force generation Synchronization when motor units are activated at the same time the force generated increases This synchronization can also be stimulated by increased load amounts which would then increase force needed to work against the increased loads The goal here is to increase muscle growth by using higher loads in higher volumes This can be done by using higher reps with lower resting periods The muscle increases in size when there is an increase in muscular tension which signals proteins to activate genes to stimulate protein synthesis and satellite cell proliferation Overload training increases the size of individual muscle fibers which causes overall cell growth Fast twitch fibers are weight lifters are about 45 larger than fibers of healthy endurance athletes sedentary individuals Metabolic characterisitcs of specific fibers undergo modification within 4 8 weeks of target resistance training Hypertrophy is made possible by two mechanisms that are essentially controlled by endocrine response to exercise resistance training conditions IGF 1 is a major growth factor that is secreted in
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