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GLY1000 Jennifer Coor Exam 02 Study Guide Chapter 14 Deformation the general term that refers to all changes in the original shape size or orientation of a rock body Stress forces that deform rocks 1 Elastic deformation when stress is gradually applied to rocks rocks deform elastically 2 Brittle deformation rocks that break into smaller pieces 3 Ductile deformation a type of solid state flow that produces a change in shape of an object without fracturing Rock strength is affected by temperature pressure time and rock type Ductile deformation forms 1 Folds sedimentary and volcanic rocks is bent into series of wavelike undulations a Anticlines upfolded arches in fold b Synclines down folded troughs in fold c Domes upwarps of basement rock d Basins downwarp structures of rock e Monocline large step like folds in otherwise horizontal sedimentary strata 2 Faults fractures in the crust along which appreciable displacement has occurred 3 Dip slip faults faults in which movement is primarily parallel to the dip Hanging block is the rock surface above the fault and the footwall block is the surface below a Normal faults when hanging block moves down relative to the footwall Fault scarps are vertical displacements along dip slip faults Horst uplifted fault blocks Graben down dropped fault blocks footwall b Reverse faults dip slip faults in which the hanging wall moves up relative to the c Thrust faults reverse faults having dips less than 45 degrees d Strike slip fault a fault in which the dominant displacement is horizontal and parallel to the trend causes motion between plates 4 A transform fault is a type of strike slip that cuts down through the lithosphere Joints fractures along which no appreciable displacement has occurred Orogenesis processes that collectively produce a mountain belt Andean type plate margins plate boundaries that produce continental volcanic arcs Accretionary wedge chaotic accumulation of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks with occasional scraps of ocean crust Terrane any crustal fragment that has geological history distinct from that of the adjoining terranes Isostasy the concept of floating crust in gravitational balance Gravitational collapse ductile spreading at depth Chapter 15 Uniformitarianism James Hutton 1700 s Relative dating placing rocks in their proper sequence of formation Law of Superposition states that in an undeformed sequence of sedimentary rock each bed is older than the one above it and younger than the one below it 1 Principle of original horizontality layers of sediment are generally deposited in a horizontal position 2 Principle of cross cutting When a fault cuts through other rocks or when magma intrudes and crystallizes the fault or intrusion is younger than the surrounding rock 3 Principle of fossil succession fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and determinable order and therefore any time period can be recognized by its fossil content Inclusion pieces of one rock unit that are contained within another Unconformity a long period in which deposition ceased Conformable layers of rock that have been deposited essentially without interruption Unconformities 1 Angular tilted or folded sedimentary rocks overlain by younger ones 2 Disconformity more common rocks are laid in a parallel strata 3 Nonconformity the break separates older metamorphic rock or igneous rock from younger sedimentary strata Fossil the remains or traces of prehistoric life paleontology is the scientific study of such petrified replacement molds carbonization impression Index fossil widespread geographically and are limited to a short geological span Radiometric dating reliable means of calculating the ages of rocks and minerals that contain particular radioactive isotopes Half life the time period it takes for one half of the nuclei in a sample to decay Time scale Largest to Smallest length Eon Phanerozoic visible life Era Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic Period Epoch Chapter 16 4 6 bya solar system including earth formed from the solar nebula rotating cloud of gas and interstellar dust Planetesimals condensed clump asteroid size object Protoplanets collided and accreted planetestimals 8 of them and their moons Familiarize with geological time scale on pg 481 Outgassing process by which atmosphere formed gases are trapped in the planet s interior are released Cyanobacteria produced first atmospheric oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis Fe O iron oxide rust formed banded iron formations on ocean floor Precambrian earth s first 4 billion years 88 of geological time Craton large crustal blocks formed by ascended silica rich magmas shield is the portion of a modern craton that is exposed at the surface Pangaea supercontinent north Laurasia south Gondwana Earth s Life Prokaryote single celled bacteria first known organism DNA not separated from cell Stromatolites limestone mats built up by lime accreting bacteria Eukaryotes oldest fossils 2 1 bya cell structure contains nuclei Cambrian explosion huge expanse of biodiversity including all invertebrates Paleozoic Era Lobe finned fish were the first to begin to adapt to terrestrial life Reptiles are considered first true terrestrial vertebrates Mesozoic Era dinosaurs Certain reptiles were the first to adapt evolve in organisms with flight Cenozoic Age of Mammals increase in size brain capacity specialization in teeth and limbs Chapter 10 Glacier a thick ice mass that forms over hundreds or thousands of years Ice cap covering uplands and plateaus Ice shelve glacier flows into the ocean 1 Alpine glacier also known as a valley glacier 2 3 4 Piedmont occupy lowlands at the bases of steep mountains Crevasses or cracks in the glacier may form as the zone of fracture is subjected to tension as the glacier moves over irregular terrain Zone of accumulation where snow accumulation and ice formation occurs Zone of wastage location of a net loss to the glacier when the snow from the previous winter melts Glacier erosion is affected by rate of glacial movement thickness of ice hardness and abundance of rock in the glacier erodibility of the surface beneath the glacier Erosion glacier 1 Plucking meltwater penetrates the cracks and joints along the rock floor 2 Abrasion rock flour mixes with meltwater and acts like sand paper as it runs down the Glacial troughs form as a glacier creeps down a stream valley if this ice melts a hanging valley may occur forming a waterfall Cirque located at the head of an alpine glacier serves as

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