WCC Exam 2 Study Guide Payne Book Notes Chapter 3 Crimes in Sales Related Occupations These offenses have 4 main things in common o 1 Offender was engaged in the role of a worker o 2 Occurred during work o 3 Occurred in a workplace setting o 4 On some level the employees were engaged in selling goods services Employee theft usually occurs in the retail system where products are bought and sold to consumers Some examples o Overcharging o Short changing o Coupon stuffing employees steal coupons to use later o Credits for non existing returns o Theft of production supplies and raw materials o Embezzlement employees steal money from accounts they have access to o Over ordering supplies keep the extras for themselves o Theft of credit card information stealing customers information o Theft of goods o Theft of money from cash register o Sweetheart deals giving unauthorized discounts Some strategies have been put in place to stop this o Internal strategies put on inside the retail system i e Inspections audits written rules o Technological strategies using various forms of technology to deter types of theft like security cameras o Organizational culture strategies promote a culture that values honesty and integrity Build loyalty between employee and employer Establish relationships Eliminate temptation o Awareness strategies increase awareness among all employees about theft prevention Entertainment service crimes occurs where consumers purchase various forms of services for entertainment or pleasure 4 types of crimes committed by restaurants o 1 Adulterating food o 2 Not clean by standards o 3 False advertising of food and prices o 4 Short weighting or selling less food than advertised Sales service system basic goods and services sold to the public Insurance fraud raises the average cost of yearly premiums by 300 for the average American household Chapter 4 Crimes in the Healthcare System Most offenders in the healthcare field have a high level of education and training Those seeking assistance in the healthcare system are in need of some form of care or help and this puts them in a vulnerable situation o Most trust and respect people in this system Healthcare can impact many other systems This profession is mostly self regulated Table 4 1 When Physicians Go Bad o DC Medicaid Fraud Control Unit found a doctor guilty of 133 000 worth of fraudulent activities o Billed many patients for treatments never given and visits never actually seen False claims and false billing Payne study of most common types of fraudulent acts o Fee for service reimbursement o Upgrading o Substitute providers o Double billing o Unnecessary tests o Pingponging Sending them to different specialists o Ganging unnecessary surgery Payne study of most common providers accused of fraud o Physicians o Dentist o Podiatrist o Psychiatrist o Psychologist o Optomostrist Table 4 2 When Psychologists Go Bad o Tennessee Bureau of Investigation found a psychologist guilty of health care fraud o Had to pay close to 80 000 in restitution to both Medicare and Medicaid o False billing and charged for more amounts of time than he was actually ever at the facility Health Insurance Portability Act of 1996 passed to make health care fraud a federal offense punishments ranging from 10 years to life in prison Fraud by pharmacists o Generic drug substitution o Short counting Giving less than the needed amount of prescription drugs o Billing for non existent prescriptions or double billing o Selling drugs for recreational use Most pervasive form of fraud is that of physicians defrauding the Medicaid and Medicare system Chapter 5 Crime in Systems of Social Control There is an irony to misconduct in this system because the occupations are supposed to be in charge of reducing criminal behaviors Election law violations political officials violating rules that guide the way in which elections are supposed to run o Voter registration fraud o Vote counting fraud o Balloting fraud Campaign finance laws places restrictions on the way political campaigns are being financed State corporate crime governmental agencies act as employers and thus may be committing various types of misconduct o Censure withholding information o Scapegoating officials blaming lower level employees o Retaliation officials may target those who expose wrongdoing o Defiance or resistance officials block change o Plausible deniability officials conceal actions to make it seem appropriate o Relying on self righteousness officials minimize allegations o Redirection misdirection officials fake interest and change subject o Fear mongering create fear to overshadow real issues Chapter 6 Crimes in the Educational System Faculty embezzlement stealing funds from accounts to which they have access Textbook fraud selling complimentary textbooks that they receive from publishers to book dealers who resell the books Faculty double billing professors bill one or more sources for the same effort of work or reimbursement o Bill two sources for travel reimbursement o Bill multiple universities for same instructional effort Another type of crime that can be committed in the educational system is engaging in various types of unapproved outside work o Examples Research based conflicts of interest Teaching service conflicts of interest Time based conflicts of interest o May also have unapproved jobs outside of the school setting Sexual harassment is another crime committed in the educational setting o Gender o Seductive o Sexual bribery o Sexual coercion Sexual comments and behaviors are most common Academic incest is like a student teacher relationship except they re only in the same department Usually there are policies in place that prohibit sexual contact with students to the teacher or professor who is employed Professors have also been found to falsify research information o Especially damning when the research gained them monetary rewards or any type of funding Crimes can also be committed by students in the academic setting Chapter 7 Crimes in the Economic and Technological Systems only part of chapter The economic system relies on the technological system to survive and vice versa When you picture a white collar offender you usually picture someone from either the economic or technological system Securities and commodities fraud covers a broad concept o A range of behaviors that intend to rip off investors Insider trading occurs when someone steals information that is material in
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