PET 3380c REVIEW SHEET EXAM 1 Spring 2012 Chapter 5 6 7 and 8 from both lectures and text 1 What is ATP How does it function How is ATP formed o What is ATP Bioenergetics ATP is storage form of energy powers cellular reactions energy stored within a phosphate bond Adenosine and 3 phosphates ATP H20 ADP Pi enzyme ATPase hydrolysis reaction PCr ADP Cr ATP enzyme creatine kinase Phosphorylation Energy transfer through phosphate bonds bond splitting releases potential energy energy conservation occurs by new bond formation body low in potential energy juices up from transfer of energy via high energy phosphate bonds ATP Aerobic process Citric Acid Cycle Respiratory chain mitochondrion Fatty acids Private from glucose Some deaminated amino acids Anaerobic process Glycolysis cytosol Phosphocreatine Glucose glycogen Glycerol Some deaminated amino acids o ATP used in Anabolic reactions need E Glucose glucose glycogen Glycerol FA triacylglycerol Amino acids amino acids protein Catabolic reactions release E opposite of above o ATP formed by Creatine Kinase CK aka creatine phosphokinase ADP in cell stimulate CK CK facilitates PCr breakdown to Cr and ATP rapid forming ATP from high energy phophates Adenylate Kinase ADK aka myokinase 2 ADP ATP AMP In muscle ATP TYPICALLY 7 10x that of ADP 100x that of AMP Ck and ADK also produce molecular byprodcuts AMP Pi ADP that activate initial stages of glycogen and glucose catabolism and respiration pathways of mitochondrion Energy released from ATP and PCr breakdown used in first 5 8 seconds of exercise exercise passed 8 seconds requires additional energy source Without additional ATP resynthesis fuel diminishes and high intensity movement stops food cellular ATP PCr supplies 72 kg person 120 g creatine stored naturally found in meat fish poultry cranberries 1 g creatine lb raw meat methionine arginine glycine 20 g creatine 16 18 steaks 2 Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism o Aerobic metabolism energy generating reactions in which oxygen serves as the final electron acceptor in addition to serving as a regular for the capacity to produce ATP Hence without oxygen you cannot sustain exercise o Anaerobic ATP re synthesis Pcr o High energy phosphate o Reaction works in both directions o Cells stores 6x more PCr than ATP due to its free energy o Need based reaction o By products activate other metabolic pathways o PCr ADP Cr ATP creatine kinase o Aerobic ATP re synthesis cellular oxidation o Oxidation burning of carbs fats and proteins for diet and energy o Cellular oxidation redox reaction and makes the biochemical mechanism that underlies energy metabolism continuously provide H atoms for ATP production Mitochondria energy factory contains carrier molecules that remove e from H ox and pass oxygen red E transport creates a proton H gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane This produces net flow of protons to provide the coupling mechanism to drive ATP resynthesis Synthesis of high energy phosphate ATP occurs during ox red reactions Dehydrogenase enzyme catalyzed H release from nutrient substrate Coenzymes NAD gains H and 2 e and reduces to NADH H FAD gains 2H s and 2es and reduces to FADH2 Cytochromes 5 series of iron protein e carriers cytochrome oxidase cytochrome aa3 least one strong affinity for O2 discharges its e directly to O2 o Oxidative phosphorylation Synthesize ATP by transfer of e s from NADH to FADH2 to oxygen Governed by proton gradient of stored energy inner mitochondrial 90 ATP resynthesis in ETC by oxidative reactions coupled with P O ration phosphate bonds oxygen atoms governs number of ATP able membrane potential phosphorylation to be produced NAD 3 ATP can be produced FAD 2 ATP can be produced o Needed for continuous ATP resynthesis o Reducing agents in form of NADH or FADH2 o Presence of an oxidizing agent in tissue oxygen o Sufficient concentration of enzymes and mitochondria 3 Describe glycolysis o CHO supplies energy for cellular work in form of glycogen or glucose o Generates ATP anaerobically o Light to moderate exercise only uses 1 3 CHO o Process of regeneration called glycolysis o Occurs in cytoplasm of cell o Crucial for exercise lasting up to 90 seconds for ATP synthesis o PFK is critical to regulate glycolysis o 2 3 carbon molecules are moved through pathway to create pyruvate o to maintain blood glucose glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis o Regulation is dependent upon o Concentration of glycolytic enzymes o Levels of F 1 6 BP o Oxygen because when levels are high will inhibit glycolysis ATP levels o Glucose entry into the cell GLUT 4 glucose transporter 4 located on cell membrane stimulated by physical activity and insulin allows glucose entry into sarcoplasm muscle cytoplasm for ATP resynthesis a Know net ATP yield depending on substrate used glycogen or glucose and know what other energetic molecules are formed e g NADH H o Glycogen yields one more ATP than glucose o Glycosis glucose pyruvate 6 ATP o 2 ATP substrate level phosphorlylation net ATP 2 o 4 ATP oxidative phophorylation o Krebs cycle 30 ATP o 8 NADH from 3 ATP each 24 ATP o 2 ATP o 2 FADH2 4 ATP b How is lactate formed during glycol sis What are the conditions under which it is formed o Lactate formation is greatest during high intensity exercise o When oxygen is low the ETC cannot process all NADH hydrogen o This frees NAD to accept additional hydrogen generated in o Unprocessed hydrogen ions can combine with pyruvate to form ions glycolysis lactate via LDH o Under physiological conditions in muscle lactate forms when hydrogen s from NADH combine temporarily with pyruvate This frees up NAD to accept additional hydrogen s generated in glycolysis 4 Describe the Krebs Cycle Citric Acid Cycle o Anaerobic glycolysis is inefficient in making ATP Pyruvate route will allow more ATP resynthesis from glucose Pyruvate dehydrogenase with addition of coenzyme A results in acetyl CoA Acetyl CoA can enter the CAC which generates 3 NADH and 1FADH2 It converts pyruvate into acetyl CoA and degrades into CO2 and H goes into ETC to produce energy a Know what happens to pyruvate before entering the Krebs cycle o Pyruvate converts to acetyl CoA for entry into the CAC for aerobic energy metabolism Lactate shuttle via pyruvate dehydrogenase and produces NADH H This is an irreversible reaction b Know what important high energy molecules are formed e g FADH NADH H ATP o 3 NADH 1 FADH2 24 H 5 Describe the ETC o Production of ATP in the mitochondria Utilizes
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