GLY1000 EXAM ONE Mars Highest temp about 35 F 2 C Winter temp about 200 F 125 C Venus 30 closer to the sun than the earth atmosphere 96 CO2 clouds of sulfuric acid which boil up from volcanic activity temp 900 F 480 C atmosphere is 90 times thicker than earth s atmosphere Earth atmosphere 0 04 CO2 liquid water solid water ice water vapor reasonable climate only planet with recognizable form of life temp 59 F 15 C PHASE DIAGRAM of water explains why there is life on earth low T or high P water is frozen into ice high T or low P gas water vapor only in a certain range of T and P liquid water 1 triple point of water represents conditions where only all 3 phases of water can exist civilization exists BECAUSE of water water is unevenly distributed on earth ancient times lived developed civilization near Tigris and Euphrates River cradle of civilization Nile River Egypt Yellow River China rivers civilization tax because more water meant more prosperous people used to measure height of river water to know how much to people build dams to control floods how we manage rivers affects not only our well being but also the melted snow in the Rockies gets carried many miles down stream health of other species and through aqueducts to flush toilets in LA struggle weighing the needs of ecosystems and human demand THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD Provides systematic way to find answers to questions solutions to problems and evidence to support or refute ideas Steps 1 OBSERVATION of a problem question to be answered 2 FORMULATE A HYPOTHESIS 3 TEST the hypothesis i Hypothesis should explain observations data ii Multiple working hypotheses i 4 Rules for testing a hypothesis 1 results must be reproducible 2 explains all related observations 3 no contradictions to other observations and scientific principles 2 4 internally consistent once a hypothesis has passed many tests becomes a theory theory scientific idea capable of explaining a broad range of observations and is supported by abundant evidence o South America and Africa were once part of the same continent Theory of Plate Tectonics Geology the study of the earth and the other planets involves the use of the scientific method to understand how the earth works Earth system chemical elements cycle between different types of rock and sea between sea and air and between all these entities and life Earth 4 57 billion years old has changed profoundly through out its existence rocks and sediments pages in the book of Earth s history unique evolving system and humans are powerful agents of change geological phenomena and issues affect our lives Cosmology and the Birth of the Earth cosmology the study of the structure and evolution of the Universe complicated science that requires thinking in unfamiliar scales of place and time Spatial scales attometers to 10s of billion of light years Temporal scales attoseconds to 10s of billion of years 3 000 years ago humans knew the heavens well but did not view Earth as a planet and movement in the heavens was thought to be by supernatural powers such as deities ancient people thought the universe was geocentric geocentric heavenly bodies circle around a motionless central earth this theory was supported by Ptolemy 3 became a religious association significance supporting it was wrong but held as a doctrine for 1 400 years during the dark ages the importance of Earth in the scheme of heaven The Renaissance o rebirth of rational thinking in 15th century Europe o Galileo observed moons orbiting Jupiter o Copernicus published evidence for heliocentricity o Kepler his elliptical planetary orbits refuted Ptolemy Heliocentric Ideas o Earth wasn t the center of universe o Planet s orbits were not circular o Not all bodies orbited earth o Planets including earth orbit the sun The Enlightenment o Sir Isaac Newton devised The law of universal gravitation The three laws of motion The mathematics of change calculus Facts about Earth o the idea of a flat earth was rejected by 250 BCE because sufficient evidence suggested earth as a sphere o for example a curved shadow crossed the moon during eclipses and only the tops of distant sailing ships were visible 4 o 1520 Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan o We know earth rotates because time lapse photograph circumnavigated earth of the night sky and a pendulum made by Foucalt in 1851 Modern View of the Universe even 100 years ago o our current view of the universe is very different than o earth one of 8 planets in the solar system o solar system an arm of the milky way galaxy o our sun one of 300 billion stars in the galaxy o universe contains more than a billion galaxies The Doppler Effect SOUND this applies to both sound and light waves compress or relax with relative motion a stopped train sounds the same to two different people on opposite sides BUT a moving train would sound different think about how when cars whip by on the road the sound is different in relation to where you are and where the car passes you LIGHT o light waves behave like sound waves as well o visible light electromagnetic radiation o a moving star displays Doppler shifted light o Light from an approaching star is compressed causes a o Light from a receding star is expanded causes a shift to shift to HIGHER frequencies so that stars moving toward earth are shifted towards blue LOWER frequencies so that stars moving away from earth are shifted towards red o Light from distant galaxies appeared as red shifted so Hubble recognized this as a Doppler shift in 1929 He concluded that galaxies were moving away rapidly and no galaxies were found to be moving toward earth expanding bread as time increases the earth increases also o This led to the Expanding Universe Theory just like 5 Big Bang Theory This is the best answer thus far for how earth began all of the mass energy in the universe was packed into a single small point and then exploded and has been expanding ever since big bang and then formed vast gas clouds called nebulae 1st atoms hydrogen and helium they developed after the supposedly started out as 100 hydrogen and helium o nucleosynthesis happened only during earliest stages of o this explains present composition 90 H 10 He 1 the big bang heavier elements After the Big Bang universe atoms began to bond with expansion and cooling of the hydrogen formed H2 molecules the fuel of stars atoms and molecules into gaseous nebulae gravity cause some of the nebulae to collapse and then collapse resulted in increases in o
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