Ex Phys Test 2 Study Guide Multiple Choice 1 Describe the mechanics of expiration The diaphragm rises Volume in the thoracic cavity decreases Patm Pip 2 Describe the sequence of events in breathing mechanics Muscle Contraction Change in thoracic volume Change in Intrapulmonic pressure Movement of air 3 What lung volume categories INCREASES with exercise Tidal Volume 4 During moderate exercise trained athletes increase exercise minute ventilation PRIMARILY by which factor Increase in tidal volume 5 What factors contribute to a decrease in alveolar ventilation Increase in physiologic dead space Reduced perfusion of alveoli Reduced ventilation of alveoli 6 If the partial pressure of expired CO2 decreases from 28mmHG to 14mmHg what can you assume regarding dead space ventilation Dead space increases 7 Describe the blood pressure response to the valsalva maneuver Blood pressure drops due to restricted venous return decreasing EDV and SV 8 What is NOT true regarding gas exchange between alveoli and blood Pvenous CO2 PACO2 thus CO2 diffuses from venous blood to alveoli 9 During exercise the reduced hemoglobin saturation of O2 at a blood PO2 40mmHg is primarily due to what Increased uptake of oxygen by skeletal muscle tissue 10 During Phase II of the ventilatory response to exercise what regulates ventilation Humoral and neural 11 What is generally the most influential factor that increases VO2max following training An increase in stroke volume 12 What is used as the true determinant of one s VO2max A plateau in oxygen consumption despite increased workload 13 There is generally a significant difference in VO2max values between genders what is the factor that DOES NOT explains this disparity The heart is proportionally larger in women than in men 14 If Jane ran an 8 minute mile before training and then again after 12 weeks of aerobic training what physiological changes would we expect to see DURING the second run Decreased blood lactate concentration Increased stroke volume Increased fat metabolism Increased parasympathetic withdraw 15 Identify factors that help increase fat metabolism during submaximal exercise after long term aerobic training Decreased blood lactate concentration Increased muscle capillary density Increased mitochondrial density and volume 16 Central command can be held responsible for the pre exercise anticipatory response via Increase in HR 17 Venous return to the heart is enhanced during exercise by Alternating compression and relaxation of veins produced by muscle contraction Alternating changes in thoracic and abdominal pressure produced by respiration The one way action of valves located in the veins 18 During submaximal aerobic exercise what general blood pressure response can be expected Systolic increases while diastolic remains stable 19 What local factor enhances regional blood flow via local vasodilatation An increase in nitric oxide 20 The parasympathetic nervous system has what effect on the cardiovascular system Decreases heart rate TRUE FALSE 1 A decrease in MINUTE ventilation is mainly due to an increase in physiologic dead space TRUE 2 A decrease in the partial pressure of expired CO2 indicates an increased dead space ventilation and reduced alveolar ventilation TRUE 3 The arterial partial pressure of O2 is 100 mmHg therefore O2 concentration of arterial blood must be about 20mL per dL of blood TRUE 4 The decrease in temperature and acidity will shift the oxyhemoglobin curve up and to the left TRUE 5 Pulmonary ventilation is the limiting factor of exercise performance FALSE 6 During intense exercise vasodilation in the liver results in increased blood flow to that area FALSE 7 The parasympathetic nervous system DOES NOT innervates the myocardium of the ventricles TRUE 8 In vigorous exercise coronary blood flow increases 4 to 6 times above the resting level because of elevated myocardial metabolism and increased aortic pressure TRUE 9 Heart rate is lower after endurance training both at rest and during submaximal exercise of the same absolute intensity performed when an individual was untrained TRUE 10 During exercise local metabolites produced in the muscle cause vasoconstriction of the surrounding blood vessels which is countered by catecholeamines FALSE
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