10 quotations matching 5 short answer 3 5 sentences Multiple choice and possibly some HUM3321 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE other matching Concepts Understand their meaning and usage o o o o o o o o o o o ISA An organization that propagates the ideologies of the hegemonic force through means of social and psychological effects In other words you are taught to believe the hegemony s ideas are best and they should be supported Presented in the form of distinct and specialized institutions Ex religious ISA educational ISA etc There is a plurality of ISAs part of the private domain Ex Churches parties trade unions families Functions primarily by ideology and secondarily by repression If the ISAs function massively and predominantly by ideology what unifies their diversity is precisely this functioning insofar as the ideology by which they function is always in fact unified despite its diversity and its contradictions beneath the ruling ideology which is the ideology of the ruling class Meant for institutions to teach know how through ideology which ensures subjection to the ruling ideology or the master of its practice It is in the forms and under the forms of ideological subjection that provision is made for the reproduction of the skills of labor power RSA An organization that enforces the ideologies of hegemony through the use of violence or force In other words the groups that make sure you follow the laws of the ruling power Functions primarily by violence or repression including physical repression and secondarily by ideology Prisons etc Ex the Government the Administration the Army the Police the Courts the Public domain Ex The Army and the Police also function by ideology both to ensure their own cohesion and reproduction and in the values they propound externally Given the fact that the ruling class in principle holds State power openly or more often by means of alliances between classes or class fractions and therefore has at its disposal the Repressive state Apparatus we can accept the fact that this same ruling class is active in the ISAs insofar as it is ultimately the ruling ideology which is realized in the ISAs precisely in its contradictions Ideology A body of doctrine myth belief etc that guides an individual social movement institution class or large group The concept of ideology is of central importance for dominant ideologies serve to reproduce social relations of domination and subordination Utilized by institutions in order to govern the interactions of individuals Hegemony the ruling power Coined by Antonio Gramsci o The media or rather those who control it puts ideas in our heads causing us all to think the same things as each other and these are not things that we would necessarily believe otherwise and we don t even recognize that it is happening because these thoughts idea constructs seem natural and besides everyone else believes the same thing so it must be right Right Meritocracy Myth merit and effort let you succeed Individuals can go as far as their merit takes them 2 main arguments that Meritocracy is indeed a Myth Impact of merit on economic outcome is vastly overestimated Nonmerit factors that suppress neutralize or negate effects of merit The media perpetuates this myth in many films Ex The Pursuit of Happiness Rocky o o o o o o o o o Imagined Community sovereign o A nation is an imagined political community both inherently limited and Limited means we are Americans not Latvians or Australians o This imagined community will demand Ultimate sacrifice from citizens in times of stress We expect to administer our laws within our borders without interference from other nations Stereotypes must be generalized and nonspecific Widely held in popular social circles Often used as a tool to make yourself feel better and demoralize others Even in the face of contradictions the stereotype is still upheld Rigid and inflexible Filmmakers are dependent on stereotypes to have bit characters Arab Stereotypes Films have portrayed all Arabs as Muslims and all Muslims as Arabs are shown as heartless brutal uncivilized religious fanatics through common depictions of Arabs kidnapping or raping a fair maiden expressing hatred against the Jews and Christians and demonstrating a love for wealth and power Hook nosed Arab Seen as the cultural other Public enemy 1 Shocking article African American Stereotypes o The Brute the brute caricature portrays Black men as innately savage animalistic destructive and criminal deserving punishment maybe death This brute is a fiend a sociopath and an anti social menace Black brutes are depicted as hideous terrifying predators who target helpless victims especially White women Arabs o o o o o o o o o o o Criminal Black Man African American men are expected to be criminal and dangerous an evolution of the brute The rise of drug related violence and homicides in the inner cities in the 1970s and early 1980s caused people to become more worried about young black men as ominous criminal predator rather than petty thief people associate young black men with crime in American culture o The Coon this caricature is one of the most insulting of all anti Black caricatures The name itself an abbreviation of raccoon is dehumanizing The coon was portrayed as a lazy easily frightened chronically idle inarticulate buffoon The coon acted childish but he was an adult albeit a good for little adult The coon although he often worked as a servant was not happy with his status He was simply too lazy or too cynical to attempt to change his lowly position Coons were increasingly identified with young urban Blacks who disrespected Whites Boy uppity Sambo refers to black men that were considered very happy usually laughing lazy irresponsible or carefree o The Tom this caricature portrays Black men as faithful happily submissive servants The Tom caricature as with the Mammy Caricature was born in ante bellum America in the defense of slavery How could slavery be wrong argued its proponents if Black servants males Toms and females Mammies were contented loyal servants The Tom is presented as a smiling wide eyed dark skinned server fieldworker cook butler porter or waiter The Tom is portrayed as a dependable worker eager to serve Unlike the Brute the Tom is docile and non threatening to Whites The Tom is often old physically weak and psychologically dependent on Whites for approval o The Mammy from slavery through the Jim Crow era the mammy image served the political
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