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Clinical Counseling Psychology MW 10 10 11am 1 7 13 Read pgs 3 18 1 9 13 watch Sheldon the therapist big bang theory on YouTube why did we watch it Most people think of sitting on a couch talking is what we do What else do people think about clinical psychologists They have problems of their own Their problems come out during therapy Involves research teaching and services relevant to the application of principles methods and procedures for understanding predicting and alleviating intellectual emotional biological psychological social and behavioral maladjustment disability and discomfort applied to a wide range of client populations APA division of clinical psychology Division 12 The only job of a therapist is to facilitate change in client not to break them down alleviating human suffering work to understand why service prevent emotional disturbances research relieve emotional disturbance teaching Psychotherapy 34 activity that most frequently engages the typical clinical psychologist efforts Therapy comes in many shapes and sizes changes in format different people do things differently Why do we do it Difference in theoretical orientations Theoretical Orientations the theoretical framework that a psychologist relies on to conceptualize and treat clients problems cognitive behavioral integrative 3 most common orientations eclective integrative cognitive psychodynamic Problems with eclective not specializing in one theory When you use more than one method it is hard to tell what worked out all of the methods If you use one study method and it always works you know what you are doing If you change it up each time it is hard to know what factor helped more than others watched therapy jack style from 30 rock on YouTube The same client can receive VERY different therapies if they have different theories But the best theories are those supported by research Diagnosis Assessment 15 Diagnose mental disorders diagnose learning disorders for children adults to get accommodations IQ assessments ADHD assessments Clinical interview observe nonverbal behavior as well as verbal responses Administer tools a battery of tests Research Writing 14 Conduct an experiment writing it up and publishing results in a peer reviewed journal know these are the top 3 activities of a clinical psychologist teach students develop preventative programs program administration provide excellent testimony Why do we do other things each informs the other research and service therapy examples using research to understand why methods work not work for certain clients problems Discovery of purging disorder people were purging without binging so it was not bulimia WHO who do clinical psychologists work with A wide range of individuals generally treat people with more psychopathology than counseling families communities school personnel children and adults wide range of settings colleges hospitals private practice how does this match up with activities 39 private practice psychopathology 19 university research 1 11 13 3 W s of Psychology What What does a clinical psychologist do Psychotherapy Diagnosis assessment and research teaching is 4th in line Who Who do they work with Wide range of clients children families adults communities Where Where do they work Private practice and a university are top 2 Hospitals inpatient clinics schools Student speaker 3rd year doctoral program for counseling psychology Counseling psychologists started in the vocational psychology and guidance field mainly assessment focus job placement After World War 2 when veterans came home counseling psychology changed from personnel and guidance psychologists to counseling psychologists 1951 Overlap between clinical and counseling psychology apply to same internship sites both meet requirements for licensure typically work in the same settings and receive similar training Differences Counseling psychologists tend to work with a normal to moderately maladjusted population continue to work in educational settings such as colleges Different houses within university college of medicine college of education department of psychology More people focused rather than research focused How is clinical psychologist different from other mental health professionals Conduct interviews and assessments focus on conducting educational occupational counseling The field of clinical psychology is MUCH larger side note question difference between psychotherapy vs therapy Most people think of Freud WHICH IT IS NOT psychoanalytical theory is Freud It really means therapy through different methods of counseling towards the mentally ill not using pharmatherapy medical uses to treat illness Psychiatrist medical doctor who specializes in mental health can prescribe medicine Clinical psychologists cannot prescribe medicine Regards psychopathology as a mental illness with discrete often biologically based genetics chemical imbalances causes that can be best remedied with medicine Completes medical school treats physical ailments gives physical examinations Shorter time frames of appointments 15 20 minutes to make sure meds are ok and no bad behavior to need more medicine except for the intake session in which you are diagnosed to where clinical psychologists spend 50 minutes to an hour really talking through problems Clinical psychologists receives more extensive training in psychotherapy assessment of psychological functioning scientific research methods less training in medicine Clinical psychologist vs Clinical social worker many clinical social workers conduct psychotherapy and conduct diagnostic interviews like clinical psychologists but are more in the field being in the community and in houses to do work More clinical social workers than psychiatrists and psychologists combined Clinical social workers take 1 2 years for a master s program Place a greater focus on the familial and social determinants of psychopathology Views Psychiatrists biologically based that can be remedied with medication Clinical Psychologist biologically based mixed with environmental factors Counseling psychologist environmental Clinical Social Worker Familial and Social Influences Training of a Clinical Psychologist Undergrad psychology Graduate School 4 usually 5 6 years of graduate course work and internships and research Master s thesis within 3 years practicum training seeing clients and then you take qualifying exam to be put in doctoral candidacy Dissertation 1 year internship Then choice

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