PAD3003 Final Exam Spring 2012 CH 12 Technology related roles and responsibilities are increasing for cities and countries o Chief Information Officer CIO manages coordinates and integrates all applications relating to communication and information technology o Chief Technology Officer CTO concerned with technology solutions not dealings within political administrative arenas In practice titles are used with little distinction o o Dependent questions How many people does person manage Size of budget Standalone department or part of federated structure Who makes decisions and at what levels Networks allows groups of interconnected computers to work together wired wireless remotely network hub is generally stored at secure datacenter Cloud network in which applications and data are stored on internet multiple datacenters o Advantages cost redundancy access Tech vs management o Enterprise policies dictate how information is stored indexed and when it is to be deleted Attacks o Subject to state federal and institutional restrictions o Unintentional human error malicious carelessness losing hardware public management issue o Local governments report an average 20 000 serious threats a day o Upwards of 50 attributed to foreign nations Interrelated areas vulnerable to network threats and solutions o Network security multilayered approach using firewalls secure networks intrusion protections secure validation o Web security virus protection content filtering spyware protection o E mail security virus protection phishing protection spam protection o Mobile workforce security same as other forms but harder to safeguard remote monitoring encryption Need for better purchasing policy security integration and guaranteed oversight Knowledge Management basic internal administrative procedures or comprehensive enterprise wide policies procedure o Guidelines what to do with electronic records when employee leaves where are critical files stored up to date password records Databases how things are logically stored and retrieved o Increasingly complex o Relationships between records o Track access Geospatial Information Systems GIS 02 o Visual and graphic interfaces that aggregate organize data for display on a map o Reveal patterns trends crime rates population movement zoning o Efficiency e g infrastructure recovery post 9 11 Moore s Law technology innovation will double every two years o Critics claim law is no longer applicable to pace of technological change Digital Natives today s students k university who grew up with access to technology o Native speakers of dialect personal computers electronic games internet o Not likely to own landline phone and rely on cellular phone for timekeeping and alarm duties Broadband and Governance o Governance regionalism shared services as a necessity not a luxury Push to bring connectivity to rural undeveloped areas Wireless technology o Broadband deployment mobility and applications always on internet connection supportive of high bandwidth applications As access to powerful internet connections increase 55 households governments must provide applications to citizenry Requests for permits of any kind General communication information ICTs and cynicism in government o Information and Communication Technologies ICTs Nonemergency 311 system Tools to enhance responsiveness effectiveness and efficiency Restore measure of trust through direct communication between government and citizens Digital Democracy using ICTs for democratic purposes o Nontraditional way of participating in government o Not limited by space time or other physical conditions o Communicating with other citizens and elected representatives via online process o Transparency o Static present information vs Dynamic two way e mail resulting in dialogue 311 centralized contact phone point between government and citizens o Mitigates customer service complaints Ease of use decrease number of phone transfers Timeliness quick follow u Service human personal touch instead of stumbling through automated system Accessibility ability to monitor track requests accountability CH 04 03 The Revised Garbage Can model of decision making o Chaotic o Made up of three separate independent streams Political pulse of the nation through public opinion election results ideological shifts through public special interest campaigns Policy administrators researchers staffers formulate policy proposals Problem how why one situation receives attention over another o Three streams converge to create window where likelihood that policy will be considered increases o Window widens during critical times e g crisis The Participatory model of decision making o Assumes a diverse group of individuals acting in consultative capacity o Those affected by problem are given an opportunity to provide input giving decision makers a wealth of information Public meetings hearings Advisory boards Citizen advocacy groups Interest groups information o Decision makers run risk of captivity if too much emphasis is placed on outside Captive organizations overemphasize goals values of clientele groups Captive organizations underemphasize their own goals values Elite Theory o o Elite status knowledge level educations role within public organization o Elites may not be representative of citizenry but citizenry chooses to accept remove Assumes that a select few are afforded the privilege of influencing making decisions them Public Choice Theory o Grounded in micro economics behavior of individuals organizations o Self interest determines how decisions are made o Bureaucrats make decisions that minimize risks and maximize rewards for their department agency or organization o Underscores importance of efficiency champion contracting out and privatization of government services Groupthink a sense of security o Goal maintain power cohesiveness o Specialized form of conformity occurring only in highly cohesive groups operating under 04 o Coincides with directive leadership group homogeneity in terms of ideals background isolation from outside influences o Symptoms Illusion of invulnerability group is special will be successful Stereotyping those who oppose are enemies good v evil Rationalization dismiss warning signs of potential danger Moral high ground belief that group has monopoly on what is just Self censorship dissenting thoughts are not expressed Pressure on group dissenters Mind guarding protecting leaders from external dissent criticism Illusion
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