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Nationalists Localists Nationalists strong central government with the power in the hands of the rich and few power of regular people filtered through elites government should play a big part in the economy Alexander Hamilton John Quincy Adams Henry Clay Abe Lincoln Republicans Localists state power individuals small scale government no elite privilege government shouldn t intervene in economy TJ Andrew Jackson Democrats Significance both groups were significant because they helped balance the power Without the localists the federal government would be too powerful and without the views of the nationalist the federal government would be too weak Alexander Hamilton leader of the Federalist party favored a strong national government established the first National Bank first secretary of the Treasury believed in tariffs and subsidies to protect manufacturing Whiskey Rebellion 1794 the federal government wanted to put a tax on whiskey revolt of settlers against a federal excise tax demonstrated the willingness of federal officials to use the enormous power contrasts with Shay s Rebellion Alien and Sedition Acts four laws took away civil liberties of the people and violated the first amendment freedom of speech and press criticism of government is illegal Naturalization Act required residence from 4 to 12 years before an alien could become a Alien Friends Act allowed the president to deport any alien that was dangerous Alien Enemies Act allowed the deportation of any alien from a country at war with the citizen United States Sedition Act its a crime to talk shit about the president Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions passed in protest Marbury v Madison 1803 Marbury was a midnight judge and Madison tried to fill spots with as many federalists Marbury doesn t get his job but he affirms the judicial system of their power to judicial review Tecumseh Him and his brother a prophet attempted to have a pan Indian movement one of the last attempts of Indians to fight off the white men Somewhat successful During the War of 1812 last point of serious unified resistance from Native Americans that had a chance of success Chesapeake Leopard Affair libero said this wouldnt be on it events leading up to the war of 1812 British Ship stopped American ship in american waters helped lead to embargo act Hartford Convention federalists got together and created a list of changes to the constitution that would favor them over the Democratic Republicans met to discuss their grievances concerning the ongoing War of 1812 and political problems arising from the federal government s increasing power Concepts discussed compromise they discussed was removing the compromise gave slave states more power in Congress and required a two thirds supermajority in congress for the admission of new states declaration of war and laws restricting trade Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri to be admitted as the 24th Missouri entered as a slave state Maine entered as a free state made to maintain the balance of free vs slave states no slavery in Louisiana territory north of 36 30 line unconstitutional John C Calhoun the first Vice President to resign from office resigned to join senate an advocate of slavery states rights a limited federal government and nullification supported tariffs Worcester v Georgia Went to the supreme court to see what the relationship with Native Americans was The rule of law doesn t always apply when it comes to Native Americans They will do anything for their land Transportation Revolution State government dug up rivers where there isn t one New ways of tying communities together 1860 resume work on the national road Canal Boom Not only connecting communities but also it was connecting markets Development of steamship Growth of Railroads Benefits farmers faster cheaper Pastoralization of housework Changing Definitions of Work Emergence of separate spheres ideology Cult of true womanhood also encouraged women s activist work Women are to be pure submissive and must give everything to her husband from public sphere 19th century class formation libero said this was too broad so it wont be on it Lowell Mills young girls from farm families worked in cotton mills 96 native born white women opened in 1823 12 hrs day 6 days wk but well paid speed ups of mills and declining wages in 1830s caused a strike 1845 Lowell Female Labor Reform Association Cotton revolution cotton gin invented in 1793 states with new slaves produced the most cotton Cotton Belt Louisiana Arkansas Texas produced majority of American cotton growth of cotton economy led to Native American removal grueling and long growing season hard on slaves Yeoman farmers Independent farmers in the south worked the land with their families Plantation owners bought food from yeoman farmers for their slaves but yeoman farmers didn t rely on slave labor on their own farms slavery put large planters in a higher class than yeomans Second Middle Passage internal within America regarding cotton economy Dr Samuel Cartwright Libero not sure why he even made it on here Second Great Awakening period of religious revivals at occurred in the United States in the 1830s many more Americans became practising Christians Reformers began advocating many social and political changes movements to prohibit alcoholic beverages to increase public education to support rights for significance reform movements helped people outside the south to reject slavery women to outlaw war Transcendentalism an idealistic philosophical and social movement in reaction to rationalism influenced by romanticism Platonism and Kantian philosophy it taught that divinity prevades all nature and humanity and its members held progressive views on feminism and communal living in order to understand the nature of reality one must first examine and analyze the reasoning process that governs the nature of experience Oneida an example of the utopian movements a response in some of the chaos in the 19th century part of a broader movement Commune where they have complex marriage Another response to the pressure of Industrial Revolution There were quite a few other communities of that gender sort Frederick Douglass African American social reformer orator and statesman escaped slavery became a leader of the abolitionist movement firm believer of equality of all people He is significant because he stood as a living counter example to the slaveholder s argument that slaves lacked intellectual capacity to function

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UMD HIST 200 - Nationalists/Localists

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