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Jean Piaget 4 9 14 Wednesday April 09 2014 4 55 PM Developmental theory of cognitive development in stages how intelligence develops 1 Sensorimotor stage birth 2 years cognitive development is parallel with motor development Not uncommon for children with motor delays to also have cognitive delays Milestone when child begins to be able to imitate behaviors bc they re forming a mental representation of actions and repea ting it showing dev of internal representations of behavior Object permanence forming a mental representation of the object 2 Pre operational stage 2 7 years Thinking is rigid typically lacking in logic and egocentric Higher level of cognitive ability to think abstractl y and think in someone else s perspective Development of language nothing more than amplified vocalized thought Common core criticism reason logic skills don t work for kids in preoperational stage 3 Concrete operational stage 7 12 years Thinking becomes more logical flexible organized Somewhat less egocentric Master the concept of conservation able to understand that things have I changing abstract properties Abstract thinking is still difficult 4 Formal operations 12 adulthood thinking is flexible logical abstract Not everyone will reach this stage Accommodation and Assimilation Lawrence Kohlberg used Piaget s theories to explain moral development Kohlberg s dilemma a druggist sells the cure for a woman s cancer at 10x the cost of the production and a man couldn t affo rd it for his wife even after collecting money from friends The druggist refused to sell it cheaper or accept installment payments so the man stole the drug from his lab Was this the right thing t o do Why or why not Morality develops in 3 stages 1 Pre conventional morality 2 5 Stage 1 punishment obedience Stage 2 rewards 2 Conventional morality 5 10 Stage 3 good intentions good behavior Stage 4 obedience to authority 3 Post conventional morality 10 adult Stage 5 diff Btw moral and legal right Recognition that rules should sometimes be broken Stage 6 indiv Principles of conscience Takes account of likely views of everyone affected by a moral decision Psychology Page 1

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HOFSTRA PSY 001 - Jean Piaget

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