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Intelligence and Personality 4 2 14 Wednesday April 02 2014 5 22 PM Why are we different from one another Characteristic patterns of thinking behaving and feeling 1 2 3 Consistency thinking behavior feeling Personality comes from within Individual differences Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic psychology Wrote about unconscious motivation What drives our personalities are unconscious motivations Topographical Model of the Mind comparable to an iceberg 1 Conscious Conscious mind 2 Pre conscious Not immediately conscious of But can be recalled accessed If needed 3 Unconscious Sub conscious We can t access it outside our level of awareness Contains the bulk of our mind ii iii i ii iii i ii i ii 1 2 1 2 3 Structural Model of the Mind 1 Id It Only part of the mind that is present at birth i Collection of primal urges A boiling cauldren of urges 1 Need for food need for sexual gratification need for aggression Driven by Pleasure Principle only cares about getting needs desires fulfilled Id always remains unconscious 2 Ego I part of Id breaks away and forms its own structure Has awareness of the external world Serves the needs of the Id but keeps reality in mind Guided by the Reality Principle obtains desires within limits of external reality 3 Superego Above I Final structure to develop i ii Internal representations of right wrong morality Guided by the Morality Principle 1 Guilt is a punishment for violation of the Superego iii Personality quirks are conflicts between 3 structures Freud s Theory of Development Stages of Psychosexual Development We are born as sexual beings Sexuality changes as we develop Freud called the sex drive the libido 1 Oral Stage sexual desire resides in the mouth birth 18 months i Infant children get sexual gratification psychologically from utilizing the mouth 1 Infants put everything in their mouths ii Parents place restrictions on what and when children can put things in their mouth and interfere with infantile oral sexuali ty 1 If oral sexuality is frustrated enough it can lead to oral fixation later in life 2 Anal Stage 18 months 3 years 3 Phallic Stage 3 6 years Potty training is a direct assault on anal sexuality Anal retentive personalities perfectionist rigid result from parents being too strict during potty training Boys and girls wish to receive sexual gratification from the use of their penis Oedipal Complex Boys develop unconscious sexualized feelings toward the mother and unconscious hostility rivalry toward father Boys develop unconscious castration anxiety from father Toward the end of the stage boy gives up the mother as a love object and identifies with the father to be able to obtain a l ove interest similar to the mother iii Elektra Complex Girls wants pleasure from their penis but realize it is missing Girls blame the mother for their lack of penis because she is a fellow female and primary caretaker Girl sexualizes her feelings toward the father because he has a penis Child is especially hostile toward the mother a She is eventually drained by this intense hostility and relinquishes the rivalry with the mother iv The bulk of our major personality characteristics are formed at the end of the phallic stage Psychology Page 1 iv The bulk of our major personality characteristics are formed at the end of the phallic stage 1 Much potential for emotional trauma induced by incorrect developmental sequence in the Phallic Stage Normal sexuality penile vaginal sex according to Freud everything else is a deviation as a result of disrupted improper development 4 Latency Stage 6 years puberty Sexuality personality development is on hold 5 Genital Stage puberty adulthood i i Freud s primary research method was case study Generated ideas from observations on adult patients One exception Little Hans Not formal case studies Problems Isn t testifiable falsifiable Virtually no empirical evidence to back up Not good for predictions Said environment is sole factor in development Thought adulthood was static just a repetition of childhood Psychology Page 2

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