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AM 101 Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 The Textile Industry comes from England Growing demand for textiles Cotton Wool o Textile designs began to become mechanized Mechanization of the Power Loom Weaves the fabric Cotton Gin Advanced the industry because it makes more materials it is not hand picked anymore Invented by Eli Whitney Flying Shuttle Power in thread that weaves the fabric together Samuel Slater A skilled mechanic in Europe Memorized the blueprint for the water powered spinning machine 1900 s Because we know had all the machines we were able too o Men s Wear Ready to Wear Military Uniforms Work Wear o Brook s Brothers First to sell Men s RTW o Levi s o Nordstrom s o Neiman Marcus Revolution o All started as businesses along with the Industrial New York becomes the Fashion Capital o Women s Garment District 7th Avenue Mid Town Great location because two train meets here Immigrants were coming in Triangle Shirt Waist Fire o Shirt Waist first women s RTW invented by the Gibson Girls Adopted for the working and immigrant women o This fire implemented the formation of Unions such as the ILGWU International Ladies Garment Worker s Union o Gibson Girl New Women Consumers bring change in fashion French Fashion Coco Chanel leading in fashion o WWI shut down Fashion Houses WWII almost killed them o Little black dress classic Sportswear in the 40s 50s brought a different lifestyle o Sports Industry o Made pants out of canvas Claire Mccardell first well known American designer FGI 1940 Fashion Institute of Technology FIT founded to support the Fashion Industry 1950 s Dior New Look o Silhouette s change after major world war s or natural disasters Introduction of Synthetic Fibers Baby Boomers Casual Apparel Teenage Apparel Mass production brought a huge increase in public companies 1970 s Anything goes 1980 s Excess bigger is better French Couture Chapter 2 Definition of Fashion o Broad Prevailing custom usage or style o Narrow Style or styles of clothing and accessories worn at a particular time by a particular group of people Fashion is o The outward form through which the mind speaks to the universe o The power that influences the world o And is designed to make shape model adapt embellish and adorn Fashion Influences o The importance of adornment and clothing is profound o When people don t have anything they still have a way to express themselves body and clothing Purpose of Fashion o To cover our bodies protection from environment o Social Statement social business standing sex role identification political orientation ethnicity lifestyle aesthetics Fashion must be new and accepted by a peer group Fashion Industry Fashion Business o Those engaged in manufacturing Materials and Finished Products o Industries and services connected with fashion Design Manufacturing Distribution Marketing Retailing Advertising Communications Publishing Consulting Fashion Merchandising o The Five P s PLANNING the right timing with the right PRODUCT at the right PLACE with the right quantities for the right PRICE to the right PEOPLE Plan Product Place Price People Product success if they can predict the changes tastes of Designers what styles will appeal to target markets public Style Fashion Design Classic Taste Characteristic Distinctive appearance of a garment Style always remains a style whether in fashion or not Socially acceptable even within a small group Contemporary trend based on style Will be adopted for a period of time Eventually comes to an end High Fashion Accepted by a limited number of fashion leaders Want to be the first to adopt change and innovate fashion Small quantities high price Limited because it is exclusive or extreme to the general public An individual interpretation of a style A New Way Of Doing Each design produced has a style number identifies for manufacturers used for orders A style considered in good taste over a long period of time Satisfies a basic need Simplicity of design Simple Lines The product curve remains level Prevailing opinion of what is what is not attractive or appropriate Fad o Sweeps quickly into popularity Rises Quickly disappears o Quickly disappears o Exaggerated feature or detail which excites the interest of the quickly customer o Quickly imitated o Flood the market in short time Trend o General direction of movement o Several designers are showing same style o Leading retailers are buying style o A trend can originate anywhere Product Life Cycle Fashion has steep decline once fashion reaches highest sales o Components of Fashion Details over all outline evolves slowly changes Silhouette after world wars disasters pockets sleeves designer expresses individuality Texture Fabric Material Hand Color Lines or Styles individual elements trimmings details the material itself Key factor in apparel selection Fashion Cycle refers to the rise wide popularity and then decline in acceptance of style Breaks in cycle because of wars depression disaster 1 Creation Introduction o Secondary Level A new style Different from current fashion Invented Innovated By Fashion designers Sub Cultures Celebrities 2 Fashion Leadership Rise o Auxiliary Level First Consumers Fashion Leaders Initiate the Fashion Process Not always celebrities are the first to wear first adopters someone is following 3 Increasing Social Visibility o Awareness Worn by a growing number of fashion leaders Newness Novelty Widespread Attention Receives publicity and promotion Increased interest among many consumers Available in retail stores 4 Conformity Culmination o Mass Market Socially acceptable Well established fashion More consumers feel compelled to adopt style 5 Saturation Decline Reaches highest level of social acceptance All consumers are aware of fashion Acceptance is widespread Mass conformity creates saturation Overused Worn on daily basis Exclusivity is lost Seems dull and boring 6 Decline Obsolescence Fashion has lost appeal New styles are introduced as replacements When fashion leaders introduce obsolete object leads the initiation Propagation of new fashion i e Vintage The cycle repeats itself Fashion leaders purchase from the retailers who lead fashion Fashion leaders purchase from traditional retailers in better department Introduction Rise Knock offs adaptions Accelerations Mass Acceptance Decline Obsolescence No one is buying You can t give it away Followers purchase from moderate priced retailers Followers purchase from mass retailers Followers purchase at greatly reduced

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