Exercise Physiology Exam 2 Summer 2013 Since I do not know exactly where he started after the first test I ve included things on my first guide This one covers all of the muscles I also cover some of the cardiovascular system as that is where he normally is at this time in the fall and spring classes So it is here it case he got to it 1 Be able to give a general description of beta oxidation This is using fats to make ATP instead of glucose All above was the whole process of using glucose Glucose is the preferred energy source in the body as the metabolism of glucose is faster and more efficient than using fats but as we will see fats have to potential to generate much more ATP than the 38 or 39 that glucose makes Fats circulate and are stored in the body as triglycerides triacylglycerides are the same thing This is a glycerol backbone molecule with three fatty acids attached to it the fatty acids are what make the ATP A general description is the fatty acids are transported into the mitochondria so it s aerobic This transport takes 2 ATP to do but it will form so much more than this in the end A fatty acid is basically a long chain of carbons and hydrogen s usually 16 carbons The fatty acid is cleaved 2 carbons at a time and this cleavage forms 1 NADH and 1 FADH2 What is a two carbons molecule that we learned about Actely coA which enters the TCA cycle as explained above So each 2 carbons cleaved make an acetyl coA and form 3 NADH 1 FADH2 and 1 GTP we only have one acetyl coA here unlike in glycolysis so each 2 carbon cleave make 12 ATP the 5 we get at the beginning from the 1 NADH and 1 FADH2 So we formed 17 ATP but we are not done that was just using 2 carbons chains are usually 16 carbons So we form a lot of ATP remember to add in the minus 2 ATP from the start in case you have to calculate it for a question 2 What are the respiratory quotient respiratory exchange value and how is it determined What is the relationship between respiratory quotient and fuel use This number is derived from the amount of carbon dioxide in our venous blood divided by the amount of oxygen in our venous blood This will give you a ratio between 0 7 1 0 The higher this ratio is the more carbohydrates our body is burning The closer it is to 0 7 means that our body is relying on fat for fuel During exercise a low RQ means that we are burning fat for fuel so the intensity must be easy medium With increasing exercise intensity the RQ will approach 1 0 signifying that our body is using carbohydrates for energy 3 What is the primary fuel for rest light to moderate exercise and heavy exercise During light exercise the body prefers to use fats for fuel as they generate much more ATP Beta oxidatation takes about 15 min to start utilizing so during rest energy is not in high demand so we can use mostly fats the ratio of fat to carbs is about 50 50 During light to moderate exercise up to 55 Vo2 our body uses fat for energy The once we start to reach hard and maximal exercise our body shifts to using carbohydrates for fuel Even though fat produces much more ATP than carbohydrates carbohydrates are preferred This is because 6 moles of oxygen can make 30 ATP from carbohydrate yet it takes 26 moles of oxygen to form just one ATP from fat so it takes much more oxygen to use fat even though it produces much more fat Those numbers aren t important to know they just show you that carbs are superior when oxygen is limited 4 Describe active and passive recovery What effect do they have on lactate removal Active recovery is recovery after hard exercise where the muscles are moving so jogging at the end of a track workout or race Passive is simply just standing still after exercise Active recovery stimulates lactate removal By contracting your muscles blood flow is increased and this increases lactate clearance Lactate is recycled in the liver and reforms glycogen and by increasing blood flow more lactate will enter the liver and by recycled This is called the cori cycle 5 What is the fate of lactic acid actually pretty useful in the body This is explained above It is recycled in the liver and actually forms a lot of glycogen So lactate is 11 Describe oxygen deficit and recovery 02 EPOC e g 02 debt during light and heavy exercise This graph and mechanism compares the amount of oxygen one needs for a certain activity This is easier to explain and understand using metaphors Our body uses a certain amount of oxygen while we are resting The once we start to exercise a gap between the amount of oxygen that our body needs to be in steady state and the amount that we currently have since we were resting is created our body has to fill this gap So we have to get this oxygen from increasing our core body temperature increasing our metabolism ventilating faster etc This gap is called the oxygen deficiency we are deficient in the amount of oxygen that our body needs to exercise Now to close that gap pretend that we are borrowing the oxygen For example imagine that we have 25 and we need 100 we have a deficiency just like the oxygen deficiency although not with money So we borrow 75 and the deficiency is gone When we stop exercising the level of oxygen we reached to close that gap doesn t just instantly go back to the resting level Whatever oxygen we borrowed has to be paid back this is called the oxygen debt Back to the metaphor now So we borrowed 75 and now we have to pay it back thus we have a debt to pay same theory but with oxygen So right after exercise our body has this oxygen debt to settle Physiologically our body is recycling lactate lowering its core temperature making enzymes replenishing glycogen etc This all results in an elevated metabolism post exercise and the period where your metabolism is elevated is called the EPOC excess post oxygen consumption During light exercise the oxygen deficiency is smaller as expected less oxygen is needed since the intensity is lighter During heavy exercise the deficiency is much greater and is actually never closed completely 12 Describe what occurs in the phases of oxygen debt specifically the alactaid and lactaid portions And have a clear understanding of what causes each I explained what occurs during oxygen debt Alactaid is just the portion of the oxygen debt that does not involve anything with lactate so this is mostly with light exercise Lactaid portion is the recycling of the lactate to the liver This is mostly during high intensity and heavy …
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