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Forests and People Format Multiple choice and short answer questions 10 point extra credit Fundamental Concepts from Sections 1 4 A What is a working definition for sustainable forest management SFM How can SFM be defined with respect to biological diversity timber harvesting water resources aquatic ecosystems and local communities and economies Sustainable forest management SFM is the management of forests according to the principles of sustainable development Sustainable forest management uses very broad social economic and environmental goals Definition The stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way and at a rate that maintains their biodiversity productivity regeneration capacity vitality and their potential to fulfill now and in the future relevant ecological economic and social functions at local national and global levels and that does not cause damage to other ecosystems Attainment for balance between society s increasing demands for forest products and benefits and the preservation of forest health and diversity B Explain the rationale for the TRIAD concept as it is applied to the management of large forested areas 1 reserves 2 extensively managed areas and 3 intensively managed areas e g plantations How can it help to ensure the greatest good biological integrity and economic value for the greatest number of people firms and organisms over the long run TRIAD acknowledges the need to produce wood and looks to harmonize forest uses functions and values which would avoid or minimize resource use conflicts Reserve Areas are where there is no harvesting Extensive management areas are where there is multiple uses Intensive management areas are where there is agroforestry which is the raising of trees into farming This preserves conserves and utilizes C How long does it usually take to raise awareness change values and attitudes alter unsustainable behavior s and bring about a lasting change in forest conservation or environmental management months years decades How do these social economic and political changes play out Provide some historical examples D Why is it important if not essential for scientists and managers and the public and policymakers to have a thorough knowledge of land and resource use history Provide some examples of successful policies or programs that could inform and enhance forest conservation in the 21st century e g the CCC adapted to urban needs and opportunities E What are the characteristics of even aged and uneven aged stands F What is the purpose of thinning a forest stand G Uneven aged regeneration methods single tree selection small group selection patch cuts up to one mature height in diameter mimicking gap dynamics Clear cutting H Even aged regeneration methods shelterwood patch retention 1 2 of original stand seed tree mimicking stand replacement events microburst tornado or hurricane damage intermediate to high intensity wildfires etc Shelterwood Method 1 Preparatory cut crown thinning to improve the vigor resistance to wind damage seed production and growth rate of residual stand 2 Seed Cut creates openings alters microclimate on the forest floor and generates abundant seed to establish yet protect seedlings with the shelterwood 3 Removal Cut harvesting the shelterwood to release the even aged regeneration now large saplings and add to the total income of the stand treatment now very valuable trees Section 5 1 What are the consequences of forest conversion to residential commercial and industrial land use with respect to public water supplies public health and aquatic ecosystems e g fish habitat In other words how does conventional development change the quantity timing and quality of streamflow relative to the forest reference condition How do LID techniques reduce the ecological footprint of residential and commercial areas Use specific examples or features 2 What were the principal axes for the Canadian Forest Futures Project defining the four scenarios What do the four scenarios suggest about the benefits and costs of differing societal values with respect to the greatest good of the greatest number over the long term Scenario A goods from the woods Scenario B peace in the woods Scenario C turbulence in the woods Scenario D Restoration in the woods 3 What are the functions and values of urban forests Why is it important to practice urban and community forestry in addition to sound arboriculture http www na fs fed us urban Where will this work be most beneficial 4 How can we simultaneously 1 reduce our reliance on wood products from other parts of the world 2 minimize the conversion of forest land to other uses reduce sprawl 3 conserve or enhance terrestrial and aquatic biological diversity and 4 reduce the adverse effects of global climate change Be specific about practices and programs and their inter relationship 5 How could we address the ecological issues in question 4 while simultaneously addressing social psychological and economic challenges Treat causes not symptoms and be specific 1 6 What were the main findings of the Forests Water and People study 7 How are the staff and trustees of the Great Mountain Forest redefining broadening the scope of sustainable forest management in the 21st century four boxes interconnected with each other and the Centennial logo which represents the traditional multiple use sustained yield approach to forestry 8 Cree culture natural resources and sustainability what can we learn from the Cree and other indigenous people Why should we the dominant culture endeavor to learn from indigenous people What is an example of traditional ecological knowledge Hint baby diapers 9 What are the key lessons that can be drawn from the Chesapeake Bay Project There are many monitoring mapping and prioritization cooperative approaches to restoration riparian buffers LID cost share and incentive programs for forest restoration and conservation Stream Re Leaf etc etc 10 Are we better off than a century ago with respect to the number of people per acre of forest land in New England see my essays from New England Forests 1 Hint Between 2007 and 2011 the US prison population is expected to increase by 13 to 1 700 000 Among these prisoners are many non violent offenders with no job skills This will cost at least 27 500 000 000 The total US population will increase by 4 or 5 during the same time period Other information It costs 18 500 per year to incarcerate each inmate The 2007 poverty line income for a

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