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Study in the Co Op Friday 11 1pm Good luck According to the document posted these topics are the ones that are to be on the exam Everyone should look at the elms document because it better describes what we have to do with each of these people places concepts 1 Virginia Company From first study guide Agriculture occupies 24 of the land in Virginia and employs just over 350 000 people each year In 1606 King James granted the Virginia Company of London all land from modern day North Carolina to Southern New York Their primary goal was to make money They had no plans of long term settlement They also had NO intentions of trading with the natives The first expedition in 1607 was limited to male traders who were employees or servants of the company These men were to procure their own food and ship gold crops and Indian goods back to England They arrived in Virginia after a 4 month voyage and settled on a swampy unhealthy peninsula They called the colony JAMESTOWN hard to build b c swampy woods were hard to clear disease very prevalent in swampy areas malaria cholera within 9 months of arrival only 38 out of 120 men were alive gentlemen sent over were useless ppl ill equipped GOAL was PROFIT not SETTLEMENT or to sustain a community Problems of 1st 10 Years droughts disease expectation on Indians Starving Time when Indians hid in woods from settlers and they starved bc like idiots they refused to grow crops John Smith sent from VA Co to govern people tries a military approach that gets the colonists working for a little while after he leaves everything regresses Spring 1610 last 60 ppl about to leave when a ship w a new governor and supplies comes decide to stay governor gets pissed that Indians won t negotiate with him so sends people to kill them burn their corn kill Queen and kids STUPID why Ego poor management because no clear authority lack of incentive By 1611 the VA Co had sent 1 200 settlers to Jamestown and less than half survived To foster the flow of migrants the Co allowed individual settlers to own land granted 100 acres to each freeman more to those who imported servants Changes in company policies 1616 1619 including head rights gave 50 acres to each person that paid for their own journey appealed to more and gave incentive to people to start working on private endeavors Their profits no longer went to the Virginia Company but they were taxed The Co issued a Great Charter that created a system of representative government Key Points Jamestown was originally founded from a desire to gain wealth and to a lesser extent to convert the natives to Christianity Virginia became a royal colony in 1624 when King James I revoked the charter of the bankrupt Virginia Company First permanent English settlement in the New World at Jamestown It provided a source of fertile land and great wealth to England in the form of the cash crop tobacco With the House of Burgesses America saw the first institutional instance of representative self 2 City on a Hill John Winthrop s quote 1 City on a hill 1630 also known as New England Winthrop 2 3 wanted expected New England colony to be a model to the rest of the world a puritan Utopia society thus a city on a hill Plymouth 1630 first group of settlers 102 settled on build church and then society around it 3 SEEK PERMANENT SETTLEMENT Mayflower and 30 35 were separatists Separatists wanted to break away from the church of England thought it had become too corrupt think SEPARATE or start afresh these people are also called Calvinists puritans are VERY religious seek to form society completely off of bible and religion NO separation between church and state here why separatists wanted to break away from group Immigrate to New World to 1 escape persecution 2 create a new perfect religious model this is why Plymouth was for the win The separatists landed in Cape Cod May flower compact first American constitution this is how they formed their government all the men would have to make decisions town meeting style temporary organization for their government Half died after first winter because it was too late to grow anything but more successful than VA because they were nicer to Indians and they came with the intention for permanency very different from VA Indians were also faced with an epidemic in which they felt vulnerable politically and became allies with settlers 3 New England vs Chesapeake development New England Puritans had strong ethical and spiritual goals Came with an intention for permanency gives them the upper hand they plan land and religious freedoms society of independent farm families but close together in proximity a community able to rely on one another pure Christian faith Calvinism people could apply for land grants in town very diverse trades elected legislatures in towns church officials in hierarchy of land with ministers getting the best and most ahead land younger generations spread west strained relations with Native Americans Plymouth 1620 Puritans wanted to break away from Church of England Mayflower Compact Mass Bay Colony was dominant Summary Tightly knit religion based communities intention for permanency lower mortality rates bigger families more women and bigger age range goal to make perfect religious society Chesapeake first attempt at settlement was Roanoke failed first time lost colony first successful settlement was Jamestown 1607 founded Tobacco economy expected to set up trade like in India and buy goods from natives used indentured servitude and eventually slavery enjoyed autonomy Va London Company had land from Southern NY to NC used natives as allies to trade corn and cloth with trade with natives worked until tobacco settlers of invading land by 1622 land ownership self government and a judicial system based on laws in England MD was a refuge for Catholics life in Chesapeake was harsh settled far away from each other on large pieces of land but very families scarce because of disease more men mortality rate higher many died of Malaria or dysentary age range very little mostly young men swampy and unstable tobacco boom strong for 40 years then collapsed in 1660 s division of social class with elites acquiring vast land and settling crops and setting up stores meager diets not many class displays investment in land and servants Summary Goal to be there temporarily get rich quick sponsored by the Virginia Co were not equipped with farming skills and weren t nice to Indians became diseased and many died failed at

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UMD HIST 200 - Study Guide

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