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Native Peoples of America 11 22 2013 3 native American civilizations Incas Mayans Aztecs Columbus did not land on main lands island Caribbean 1 3 major civilizations a American Indian b African c European d Amerinds e Bering Strait land bridge f Shore water route g Mesoamerican Mexico and central America i Mayan 500 900 Yucatan Peninsula 1 Developed calendar numerical system 0 zero 2 Hieroglyphic writing 3 Interneune warfare ii Aztec 15th century warriors iii Incas 15th century Ecuador Chile Peru 1 Machu Piccu Peru ancient city iv Lifestyle v Hunters eskimo Sioux crow Cheyenne Cherokee commaene apache nez perue vi Farmers Navajo Pueblo Zuni vii Fisherman Aluet Chinook west Piquot east h Population Decline i 7 10 million to 1 5 million today 1 CA OK AZ NM NL ii Decimated by disease and warfare guns germs steel Rise of Atlantic World 11 22 2013 1 European Exploration and Colonization a Nordic Sweden Norway Denmark Iceland Finland 1000 Leif Lucky Erickson discovers Labrador and Newfoundland b Portugal i Prince Henry navigator 1394 1460 ii Cape St Vincent School of Navigation iii Explores Gold Coast initiating slave trade iv 1494 T of Tordesilias Portugal Spain Demarcation Line 2 1492 waiting island San Salvador holy savior 2 1507 Martin Wallsmuller German map maker calls new c Spain i Christopher Columbus Genoa 1 4 caribbean voyages ii Amerigo Vespucci Florance 1 1501 Brazilian Coast world America iii Balboa Spain d Conquistadors i Cortez eliminates Aztec Pizarro Brotners eliminates Inca Alvarado eliminates Mayans ii Ponce de Leon 1 1512 13 conquered Puerto Rice 2 1521 27 discover FL and Fountain of Youth iii De Coronado SW 1 1540 explores AZ Grand Canyon NM TX OK KS CO 1 1538 Santa Domingo Dominican Republic 2 1551 Mexico City Lima Peru iv Desofo SE 1 1541 Mississippi River e Social Influences i Universities ii cities f France 1 1565 St Augustine FL 2 1609 Santa Fe NM i Cartie 1534 St Lawrence River ii Champlain 1609 Lake Champlain iii La Salle 1682 explores MS River flows thru 10 states i Henry Hudson E Hudson River Bay crew mutinies set adrift g Holland and dies h England i John Cabot Venice Giovanni Caboto discovers Labrador ii Sir Walter Raleigh 1 Lost colony and Roanoke Island Croatian 2 Ft Raleigh 2 efforts FAILS iii Sea Dogs explorer 1 Drake Hawking Davis Frobisher 2 1588 defeat Spanish armada i Russia 2 Africans i 1741 Bering claims AK for Russia a 1619 slaves intro Dutch ship treasure and Jamestown b slaves came from Gold Coast West Africa c Triangular Trade d Statistic i US 520K Creole Amer Born ii Brazil 1 5 million iii West Indies 4 million iv 800k die at sea Rise of Colonial America 1625 1700 11 22 2013 1 GB Regions a Chesapeake b New England c Middle d Carolinas 2 Chesapeake VA MD a VA iv John Rolfe US Tobacco Trade 16919 i 1607 Jamestown ii John Smith iii Pocahontas married v Independent Servitude 1 Individuals 2 5 7 years of war 3 Head Right system receive 50 acres vi Tobacco main crop dispersed demography vii Wx and high mortality b Maryland i Lord Baltimore Calvert ii Catholic Refuge 3 New England a Massachusetts i 1620 Plymouth founded ii Mayflower compact constitution of new world iii Religious iv Puritanism Separatists pilgrims Congregationalists Presbyterians v Higher education 1 Harvard 1636 oldest MARK DATE 2 William and Mary 1693 3 York 1701 4 Princeton 1746 log by WM Tennent 5 Penn 1740 nonsecular 6 Washington and Lee 1749 7 Columbia 1754 Kings College 8 Brown 1764 9 Rutgers 1766 queens college 10 Dartmouth 1769 native American missionary school 11 Cornell 1865 A M land grant and classical vi Salem witch trials 1692 93 1 200 accused 2 20 killed vii lumber fishing shipbuilding rum viii compact demography ix wx and low mortality b CT 1635 i Thomas Hooker ii Religious political economic freedom i Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson break w MA ii Separation of church and state c RI 1636 iii Religious d NH 1679 i Messrs Gorgas and Mason ii Economic freedom 4 Middle Colonies a NY 1664 i Dutch governor Peter Stuyvensant surrenders New Amsterdam to James Duke of York ii Dutch Ft Orange Albion English traditional name Albany iii Cookie cole slaw waffle DUTCH INFLUENCE b NJ 1664 i Lord Berkely Sir George Carteret ii Economic freedom c PA and DE 1681 82 i William Penn ii Quaker refuge iii 1701 only unicameral legislature iv city of brotherly love PHILADELPHIA v DE formed Swedish Dutch influence 1702 5 Carolinas a NC 1663 i Sir John Calleton ii Tobacco b SC 1729 i Sir Ashley Cooper ii Rice Sugar production c GA 1732 i GEN James Olgethorpe ii Honest debter worthy poor refuge iii Buffer zone b n Spain 6 Wars and Religions a Pequit War CT 1634 38 i Preemptive war to rest fur trade form them b Metacom King Phillip s War 1675 76 i War to gain land in MA NA and WA c Bacon s Rebellion 1675 1676 i Security of western VA vs Native AMericans d Leisler s Rebellion NY 1689 93 i Political uprising following glorious revolution ii Leisler hanged e 1707 England and Scotland unified United Kingdom of Great Britain f Unwritten Bill of Rights until 2001 i Citizens of GB had BoR ii VERBAL g Slave Revolts 18th century i NY 1712 white 9 killed black 18 killed 1741 black 26 killed ii SC Stono Revolt 1739 white 20 killed black 44 killed h Pueblo Revolt NM 1680 98 Encomiendas most got freedom Bonds of Empire 1660 1750 1 UK of GB 1707 v Native Americans a Tuscarora War NE 1711 i Land encroachment and enslavement ii 1713 Tuscarora s surrender and move N iii 1722 join Iroquois Confederation a 6th nation b Yamasee War SC 1715 i Land encroachment enslavement ii defeated c Haddonfield NJ marker Kings Highway land you have taken by our consent 2 GB v Spain a War of Jenkins Ear GA and FL 1739 43 i Commercial war Not one drop of blood have you spread in battle no one acre of our ii Oglethorpe defeat Spain Ft Mose St Augustine FL 1740 iii Oglethorpe loss Ft Mose 1740 iv Oglethorpe defeat Spain Bloody Marsh GA 1742 FINAL BATTLE 3 GB vs France a King George s War 1744 48 i 1745 Louisburg Gibraltar of West in Nova Scotia captured by COL Pepperall w 4K MA NH CT RI militia then returned for Madras India colonial resentment ii 1755 Nova Scotia 6K French Acadians refuse British loyalty forcibly relocated to LA known as Catholic Cajuns 4 Great Awakening AKA Great Revival a 1730s 40s b religious movement c revivalism of religion and itinerancy preachers missionaries d George Whitefield Jonathan Edwards William Tennent Itinerants e Baptist protestant Methodist spread word of god missionary religions f

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UMD HIST 200 - Native Peoples of America

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