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What experience do you have or have heard about where poor job analysis affected employees I do feel that company s have good intentions when it comes to giving internal analysis inside an organization Currently there was an analysis done in the office measuring how employees spend their time It was said that this was done to see if we really needed new employees The staff had been complaining about being short staffed In crunch times or if employees were out sick the staff would suffer So some stats were taken to see if there was really a need Again I would like to say it seemed like a good idea at the time but there was no real way to measure their findings It is a small office and each employee has different work schedules It became a nightmare because what it did show was that only one person was covering for six other employees The company found themselves revealing other issues inside the organization Needless to say there are still no new employees and the issue still exist I believe if a company really wants to make a difference they should listen to the concerns of the employees and not look at them as complaints The employees employee moral is down and so is trust Response 2 Unfortunately I think I answered this inadvertently in the last DQ I have had personal experience with job analysis gone wrong The company that I work completed a job analysis for all employees The analysis that was done of my particular job was done by a supervisor that had never actually done our job She worked at our job for about a week keeping track of everything she did how long it took her to do it and how often she did it The they based our pay on her job description I have worked for this company for 14 years and they dropped my pay based on someone else s analysis of doing what they thought was my job for one week When I saw the job description I was amazed She did not even scrap the surface She did not list the majority of what we do because she could not do it therefore she could not track how long it would take to do it She also did not include anything that we do regularly but she just did not happen to get asked to do in that one weeks time And most of the reason she did not get asked stuff is because people would hang up when she answered the phone because most of the time she could not help them anyway They would just hang up and call back until one of us answered that they knew could help them It was really disappointing and disheartening to see that this was the way our company was going to be treating us from now on The attitude at our company has changed so drastically in the last year or so since they did this The majority of the employees feel as though they have been cheated and that the company no longer shows any loyalty to employees why should they should any loyalty to the company It is a sad decline in morale

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UOPX HRM 240 - Assignment

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