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Intro a theory of abuse o Edge water homeless Homeless heroin injectors who stayed in alleyways storage lots vacant factories broken down cars Embrace the terminology of addiction but refer to themselves as righteous dopefeinds Question of individual responsibility self administered drugs violence and manipulation no one put a gun up to my head and made me shot pg 20 lives contain humor and joy o Frank and felix would choose gross secluded places to inject o PHOTO ETHNOGRAPHY clarifies the relationships between large scale power forces and intimate ways of being o Sony and hank Hank injects sony in the neck in return sony gives hank cotton Levi pg 21 we learn from the holocaust in order to recongnize the structural injustices that pass for bussiness as usual in normal issues is consistant with anthropologist Chapter 1 intimate apartheid o o scotty and pete nicknamed the island boys because of their panhandling and selling of heroin o Al toothless fourty year old man stayed long enough to spend his check on dope Due to felix and franks resentment of rosie al s girlfriend al kicked her out o Hank the first to become homeless but thought of it as a temporary arrangement on his way to something better pg 27 o It was rare to see different ethnicities in the encampment Felix only black during the first year of encampment even though we looked healthy and dressed in clean clothes we were lumped by default with low status stanky white dopefiends pg 29 African americans feared violence and humiliatiion at first it did not occur to the whites that we might not share their racism pg 30 The irony of the assertion by the whites that they were victims of the blacks The united states has the highest levels of interpersonal violence and that violence is concentrated in poor areas Violence against outsiders by inner city residents further isolates micro neighborhoods o Racial disequilibrium within a week CARTER went from being at a high status giver to a taker the whites now dismised him as nothing but a fuckin nigger person pg 33 o White flight felix was the only one to remain friendships with the new african o Tina slept on her cousins couch americans on the encampment o Domestic violence along fault lines Lil vic saw big vic beat his mom and threatened to kill him Lil vic developed his since of violence from his childhood surroundings o Sal heroin dealer that lived with his girlfriend carmen Carmen was killed on capp street Felix began carrying needles in a fanny pack confusing the clean and dirty ones o o Ethnicity and habitus division of racial lines INTIMATE APARTHIED used to convey the involuntary and predictable manner in which sharply delineated segregations and conflict impose themselves at a level of the every day practices driven by habitus Resistance on subordination and assert dignity and self respect Chapter 2 falling in love o Tina projected a lumpen femininity Met reggie who has 14 kids and wanted to pimp out tina Shows the continuum between altruism and instrumentality that haunts all male female intimate relationships with her relationships with men Tina s habitus was a result of her sex affection and income being intertwined in the gray zone of poverty and abandonment from her early life Gray zone aggression is the most effective means of asserting rights I was still a virgin but I was just used to standing there with my hand on my hip I didn t know shit Distinctions between rape sex and work are inadequate for understanding sex on the street I didn t know I was a prostitute but then I knew I wasn t no ho cause I wasn t paying no man no pimp The law of prostitution is based on violent disempowerment within the traumatized psyche Tina eventually stopped seeing all other men and became devoted to carter o Mortality and the public secret of addiction The subtle mechanisms of symbolic violence around appropriate gender roles probably made sony oblivious to his manipulative self interest Chapter 3 o What do they mean by drug consumption as racialized habitus pg 85 o What do they mean by the symbolic violence of public health outreach pg 106 iatrogenic pathology pg 100 harm reduction 106 111 Chapter 3 a community of addicted bodies o Heroin addiction is deeply embodied at the cellular level of functioning The pain of heroin withdraw can transcend personal enmities and ethnic divisions on Edgewater boulevard Protection from full blown heroin withdraws drives the economy of heroin sharing Purchasing bags is a basis for sociality and establishes the boundaries of networks that provide companionship and also facilitate material survival Hustling by any means is the definition of the attitude of righteous dopefiend veterans Middle aged whites present themselves to the public as traumatized Vietnam o Violence against women on the street is often normalized Is exemplified by the african american pimp persona o my sex drive is mull and void my old lady is heroine o Homeless are often frequent flyers in the hospital It is unadvised to give these addicts pain meds upon being released Studies show that doctors are less likely to give pain killers to african americans Most patients with abbesses are also infected with hep c smoke drink frequently and eat poorly o HARM REDUCTION hoped to lower racial and cultural barriers to medical services The state sees health as an individual s responsibility to themselves Law enforcement often disposes humiliates and angers the homeless o Only moral sharing kept edgewater s homeless from mayhem when they suddenly lost everything Chapter 5 making money o Structural adjustments caused by globalization were rendered even more disruptive by the historical shift in the us mode of governance away from rehabilitation social service provisions toward punitive containment Economically obsolete members of the lumpen become unable or unwilling to engage in disciplined productive labor Over lapping dimensions of abuse that often contribute to PTSD like symptoms among the homeless o Abusive bosses The interface between homeless drug users and their employers ambiguously spans conviviality compassion exploitation and humiliation Carters insistence on sexualizing Bruce s exploitation of al in racist terms was commonly heard from african americans demanding relationships in the legal labor market o Panhandling Begging was an income generating strategy of the homeless However african americans often shunned this Outlaw habitus where they would convince those that

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