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Exam 1 03 03 2013 Vortex a whirlpool A descent into the maelstrom comes out old man o McLuhan o Man gets sucked into vortex in Norway and survives but Canadian Your media is like a vortex 1960 s Worried about bombardment of media media does not want to let you go Who is in charge You or your mobile device Hot media media that appeal to only one sense reading a book listening to radio Cold media appeals to multiple senses TV Movie Youtube Hot media is better for critical thinking Challenge what we re told Cold Media is bad for critical thinking because when our brain is trying to catch all input we can t think critically the medium is the message McLuhan the way a particular medium effects your brain and society is more important than the message the medium contains Dopamine response to Twitter Facebook notifications Top of mind awareness first thing that comes to your mind Taco bell commercial o You don t want taco bell in that moment What is mass communication Mass media o Transmit info ideas ideologies culture Does a fish know its wet o No but it lives in water Do we know how much social media you use What is communication 3 parts sender message receiver o who Says what Through which channel To whom With what effect o diagram communication isn t always simple o we make our own meanings o we agree with a message o disagree o disregard o don t understand The media carry our messages o Computers cellphones books iPods tv What if o We don t share ideas meanings language o We don t hear act or care o There is noise Communication is the process of shared meaning o we encode decode Interpersonal communication o Two way o One on one or few o Not anonymous o Changeable o Feedback immediate o Response and reaction are flexible mass media and an audience o One way Mass communication process of created shared meaning between o One to many o Anonymous o Inflexible o Feedback indirect delayed o Response and reaction constrained homogenous Culture is learned behavior of members of a social group More than art Is it product It s a process o Books songs tv programs o Our beliefs attitudes lifestyles o Our values o The way we make meaning Magazine ads are a hot medium Adverterials native advertising is it ethical Is this a case of religious discrimination Purpose what do you want to accomplish Audience who are you talking to Message what do you want to say Culture is learned behavior of members of a social group Mass media transmit culture and values Culture and co cultures Where do you live Cultures unite divide Culture is socially constructed One person can live within many cultures Media shape culture Culture media and responsibility Producers professionally ethically transmit media content Audiences think critically thoughtfully Mass media are Story tellers Teachers Billion dollar industry Tools for democracy Media a form for debate We live by stories Story telling Narrative common denominator Time spent with media Technology allows 24 7 access to media the only thing you do more than spend time with media is breathe Factors that affect communication Technology o Technological determination Machines and their development drive economic and cultural changes o Dialectical materialism conversation what is something made of infrastructure technology o moves faster superstructure culture laws and customs money history profit vs content oral culture o people tell stories o close knit communications o show and tell to convey knowledge o memory is crucial o story tellers mix myth and history o elders valued literate culture people understand written symbols meaning and language become uniform written culture picture alphabet develop syllable alphabets follow literate culture economy changes power and influence shifts political debate grows A moving experience Wooden blocks in china Metal type in korea Gutenberg o Can print identical copies o Can print books Impact of printing press Literacy grows Power shifts from wealthy Now ideas spread Authority shifts from government to individual Industrial revolution Grow in science technology More leisure time cash Public wants info entertainment Media literacy Can you understand what you see read hear Help you understand messages You respect power of media Know the difference between reason You think critically Crisis communication Crisis o Disrupts business as usual o Affects the future of business Crisis communication o The dialogue between those who plan for crises and the publics Apologia theory A defense of reputation o Not necessarily an admittance of guilt The organization of person attempts to o Deny o Apologize Redefinition of situation o Testify to organizations intentions o Our police were sound but the mistakes happened anyway Dissociation Conciliation o We sort of made mistakes but not really o We are sorry and we won t do it again Media consumption is at an all time high 5 major companies own most of media monopoly oligopoly profit interfering with quality blur between news and entertainment media are getting cheaper than ever Economics of scale the bigger you are the better price you re going to get bulk buying cheaper Cinergy how different parts of one corporation can work together Media multitasking Ways to understand the reshaping of mass communication Dynamic theory of history o Henry Adams o Innovations increase the speed of innovations 4 stages of media evolution o 1 Novelty development o 2 entrepreneurial search for practical uses o 3 Mass medium past of our lives o 4 Refocused by competition influenced by new technology the medium is the message o the way the medium affects your brain and culture is more important than actual message Marshall McLuhan and critical thinking Hot media appeals to only one sense Cool media multi sensory media Theories of media effects Theory way of explaining something Relies on testing Relies on evidence Strive to help us understand explain predict Micro how do media affect me Macro how do media affect society Direct effects we see we do Limited effects free agent Media theories direct effects Audiences are passive vulnerable Media command audience obeys Magic bullet theory tell you to do it you do it o Get shot but survive hypodermic need theory media can inect you with message and its irresistible dependency theory people are increasingly dependent on media to understand the world around them to learn how to behave to escape from reality to get a dose of dopamine Media theory limited effects Individual

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