Things you must know for Exam 3 Format is 53 multiple choice questions Exam 3 will cover all of Lectures 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Chapters 14 19 Appendix C There are some exam questions that are not on this list so be sure that you study all the material The things on the list below you absolutely must know Know which type of nosocomial infection is most common Urinary Tract Infections 32 Know what medical procedure most increases the likelihood of an infection 1 Hemodialysis 2 Intravenous catheter Know the definitions of sporadic disease endemic disease epidemic disease and pandemic disease Be able to recognize at least 1 example of each Sporadic disease disease that occurs occasionally in a population Ex Sporadic outbreaks of Ebola virus every few years in Central Africa Endemic Disease disease constantly present in a population Ex Vibrio Cholerae is an endemic cause of GI disease in South Asia It was not endemic to Haiti Epidemic Disease disease acquired by many hosts in a given area in a short time Ex Poorly drained seware from the UN peacekeeps camp asdfffled to an epidemic of Vibrio Cholerae caused GI disease in Haiti Pandemic Disease Worldwide Epidemic Ex in 1918 strain of Influenza Virus caused worldwide Pandemic Know the definition of pathology and the definition of etiology Pathology the study of disease Etiology the study of the cause of disease Know the definition of incidence of a disease and the definition of prevalence of a disease Incidence fraction of a population that contracts a disease during a specific time Prevalence fraction of a population having a specific disease at a given time Know the definition of morbidity and the definition of mortality Morbidity incidence of a specific notifiable disease Mortality deaths from notifiable disease Know the definition of sign and the definition of symptom Sign a change in a body that can be measured or observed as a result of a disease Symptom a change in body function that is felt by a patient as a result of a disease Know the definitions of parasitism commensalism and mutualism Parasitism one organism benefits at the expense of another Commensalism one organism benefits and the other is unaffected Mutualism Both organisms benefit Know Koch s postulates disease 1 the same pathogen must be present in every case of the 2 the pathogen must be isolated form the diseased host and grown in pure culture 3 the pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when it is inoculated into a healthy susceptible lab animal 4 the pathogen must be isolated from the inoculated animal and must be shown to be the same as the original pathogen From the history of epidemiology know what Nightingale studied and what was her major novel contribution to epidemiological methods Know what Semmelweis studied and what was his major novel contribution to epidemiological methods Florence Nightingale 1858 Showed that improved sanitation decreased the incidence of epidemic typhus tracked down infection rate and showed that temperature effects infection rates Ignaz Semmelweis 1846 1848 showed that handwashing by doctors decreased the incidence of puerperal fever infections after giving birth Experimental Know the definition of ID50 and LD50 ID 50 Infectious dose for 50 of the test population LD 50 Lethal dose for 50 of the test population Know what a microbial adhesin does They bind to receptors on host cells allowing them to attach to a specific host cell type Glycolax streptococcus mutans causes tooth decay Fimbriae E coli can attach to small intestine M protein streptococcus pyogenes resists phagocytosis Know what a bacterial siderophore does Siderophores bind host s iron obtain free iron Know what component of the host cytoskeleton Salmonella alters to cause membrane ruffling when it attacks host cells Component actin salmonella alters host actin to enter a host cell Know for what bacterial component the Limulus amoebocyte lysis assay is used to test Endotoxin Amoebocytes are white blood cells from the hemolymph of the atlantic coast horseshow crab Amoebocyte lysis releases clotting factors and produce clot The endotoxin causes lysis Know the differences between exotoxins and endotoxin Exotoxin toxic substances released outside the cell during log phase produced inside pathogenic bacteria mostly gram positive Endotoxin toxins composed of lipids that are part of the cell membrane gram negative outer membrane liberated when bacteria dies and cell wall breaks apart Know the major types of exotoxin and be able to recognize an example of each Types of Exotoxins 1 A B Exotoxin corynebacterium diphtheria Clostridium Botulinum C tetani Vibrio Cholerae 2 Memrane Disrupting Toxins erythrogenic toxin streptococcus pyogenes lyse hots cell by making protein channels in cell membrane and disrupt phospholipid bilayer 3 Superantigen Toxins stapholococcus aureus staphyloccus toxins that cause food poisoning ad toxic shock syndrome Know the definition of toxoid and the definition of antitoxin Toxoid inactivated toxin used in a vaccine Antitoxin antibodies against a specific toxin Know the definition of 12D treatment in the food processing and sterilization industry Heating required to kill 10 12 C Botulinum endospores Know what is antigenic variation of microbial surface structures Altering surface proteins just when the host adaptive immune system has developed a response the pathogen changes making the response ineffective Know the major cytopathic effects of viruses on host cells Poliovirus cell death Papovavirus acidophilic inclusion bodies in nucleus Adenovirus Basophilic inclusion bodies in nucleus Cytomegalovirus acidophilic inclusion bodies in nucleus and cytoplasm Measues Cell fusion Polyomavirus Transformation HIV Destruction of T Cells Know the major advantages and disadvantages of fever Advantages 1 increase the production of transferrins reduce iron available to microbes increase IL 1 activity enhance immune response 2 Disadvantages 1 tachycardia rapid heart rate 2 Acidosis caused by increased metabolic rate 3 Dehydration 4 Seizures in children Know the classical signs and symptoms of inflammation Redness Pain Heat Swelling edema Know the major food borne toxins that we discussed Staphylococcus aureus Clostridium botulinum Know what type of tissue prions are found in Neural tissue Of the food borne pathogens we discussed know which are most common Norovirus Salmonella nontyphodoial clostridium preferingens Campylobacter spp staphylococcus
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