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What are a few techniques managers can use to improve the attitudes of a staff member whose morale is low Have you seen these same techniques implemented successfully What were some of the keys to successful implementation If they were unsuccessful what would you recommended they do differently Managers should have an open communication policy and show themselves trustworthy Just by simply communication departmental issue s amongst staff and allow their ideas and opinions be heard helps with the morale Also managers should not be biased in their approach and should be open minded This is the only way they will know what is on the minds of their staff and who they can talk to or even depend on Managers could possibly have a weekly raffle communication box Where staff and managers could disclose their names or not when making suggestions In this setting will give everyone a chance to have a say and feel important One thing that mangers should keep in mind is that they are managers for a reason because most do not want to do the per se grunt work These mangers should always remember it takes a collateral of minds to make a organization go around Managers need to create a positive and caring workplace that encourages employees to become the best they can be When staff feels good about themselves they will perform better and be more productive People are motivated by their unmet needs and those needs differ from person to person People s needs are determined by their unique set of circumstances culture values background education work experience and their personality styles Besides motivation is directly related to the morale of the employees that is attitude of the staff toward their work department environment management and organization as a whole Manager s responsibility is in motivating the staff is to create an environment that promotes motivation within the individual Good leadership is getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it So you must first understand employees needs and then show them the benefits of moving them from where they are to where you want them to be In other words find out the What s In It For Them In order to be effective in creating a positive motivational climate we need to take a look at what characterizes today s employees Most desire developmental opportunities they want work to be challenging interesting and creative they want to participate in all those decisions that affect them they expect to be rewarded accordingly they are more concerned with organizational recognition than their recognition at the managerial or supervisory level and they expect and appreciate communication from management and the opportunity to communicate to management Reference http www dirjournal com guides motivating your staff Cached

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UOPX HCS 475 - Essay

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