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History 200 Exam 1 Elements of an ID identify them explain the significance ex George Washington French and indian war leadership in the revolution presidency gives up his commission first president what s important significance when did it happen what s the event Essay one Labor and Race in Virginia o Plantation o symbolic significance as first leader during the revolutionary war o setting precedence as first president purpose of VA was to make money tobacco cash crop takes a lot of work free labor indentured servants race white no race system yet It s a labor system give land after 7 years of free work system ceases because of decreasing land and competition which is bad for business undefined racial world in the beginning slaves start being kidnapped from Africa even cheaper labor They don t need to give them land slave system gets so strong because they are a group of laborers identifiable and easy to segregate them from the rest of poor society now a race system create this racial system in order to sure up the social hierarchy economic system Have the poor white men feel above some other group such as slaves so they don t rebel against the elite economic needs and free labor o Patriarchy Jeffersonianism o Locke freedom liberty enemy POWER o Power of the centralized government is trying to take away freedom Taxes o Limited government Especially federal Not everyone feels this way Federalists and Hamilton Wanted centralized power o Fear of a powerful government Leads to revolution Wrote the declaration of independence lockean document natural rights government is abusing it s power o Federal government should not be Standing army Taxing Navy No government involvement in the economy Bank Tariffs Trade policies No promotion of national industries Debt o Should be an Agrarian Society Small farmers independent Own their own property Yeoman Civic virtues care about society Virtuous republican citizens o Don t want a manufacturing society Urbanization o IRONY Had slaves If everyone is independent property owner then they can be part of a republican government and each have an equal voice o Once you have a constitution relatively short That s all you can do If it s not written in the constitution you can t do it Except he made the deal with Louisiana Purchase Ends up doing the opposite debt o If you were Jefferson how would you defend yourself Extra land keep moving and maintain and promote the agrarian society Prevent urbanization relevant information is in the last few sections of the book using case studies use 3 examples how Indians were effected by the revolution chapters 5 and 6 Essay two was the revolution beneficial for the American Indians What conditions changed What was altered by the revolution o White transappalachian migration Proclamation line BEFORE Increase in western settlement AFTER RESULT decrease in white people increase interaction of whites with natives increase violence trade conflicts over land claims factor of violence o BEFORE British Government Want to make money Don t want all hell breaking loose on the frontier stability Don t want people moving around Tried to get along with natives to trade for furs o AFTER USA government Expansion Want land Don t want to work with you want to get rid of you want Indians land GOOD OR BAD how does it effect the way they live PROVE IT interacting FILL IN THE GAPS o Look up cases in calloway book on how indian groups were MUST HAVE AN INTRO SERIES OF BODY PARAGRAPHS THAT MAKE THE MAIN POINTS STRUCTURE IS IMPORTANT CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH DON T ADD FILLER TO MAKE IT LOOK LONG

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