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PET3380 Exam 3 Study Guide Aerobic Capacity 1 Explain the concept of VO2 max include what it measures how you determine if a subject has reached it and explain clearly how this information can be used VO2max is a fundamental measure of physiologic functional capacity for exercise VO2 max Q max avO2 difference at max o HR max SV max highest VO2 max in individuals who engage most muscle mass most in cross country skiers VO2 max is the max uptake of max aerobic capacity mg kg 1 min 1 OR L min 1 VO2 max is reached when you see a plateau on graph integrates aspects of O2 transport system o pulmonary VE o Hb o bV and Q o blood flow o aerobic metabolism temperature training etc criteria for VO2 max integrates respiration CV system and neuromuscular system VO2 max can t be manipulated but it can sort of change it artificially with altitude blood loss o lack of increase of 2 1 ml kg min with increase in workload o RER 1 10 o attainment of max HR 10 bpm o blood lactate levels of 8 10 mmol or higher o when these criteria are satisfied VO2 max isn t always reached it s hard to tell o look for physiologic max in spite of increase in work O2 consumption does not increase o VO2 peak when plateau isn t reached but O2 consumption increases highest value of O2 consumption measured during a graded exercise test when leveling off doesn t occur or max performance appears limited by local muscular factors instead of central circulatory dynamics 2 What are some of the factors that can affect VO2 max mode of exercise quantity of muscle mass activated state of training o variations in VO2max with different forms of exercise generally reflect variations in o person s state of aerobic training contributes substantially to VO2 max which normally varies between 5 20 depending on person s fitness at time of testing gender o women typically achieve scores 15 30 below males heredity o changes seem to be related to genotype o genetic effect for VO2 max is about 20 30 body size and composition o variations in body mass explain nearly 70 of differences in VO2max scores among o the size of the contracting muscle mass activated in exercise largely accounts for gender individuals differences in aerobic capacity age o O2 consumption declines with age which can t really be prevented so therefore VO2max declines with age as well 3 Explain some of the factors responsible for the improvement in VO2 max through exercise Include cardiovascular changes one might expect to see with exercise training sports or difference aspects of sports that engage person in different ways and challenge systems in different ways can alter a person s max O2 consumption a person s state of training can contribute 5 20 of variation in VO2 max improved training can affect o aerobic enzymes o capillary density o cross section of slow twitch fibers o oxidative capacity of fast twitch fibers o glycogen stores can improve VO2 max through training 4 How does the concept of specificity apply when talking about VO2 max Here include mode of exercise subject fitness status and different types of equipment one might use to measure VO2 max mode of exercise o exercise modality affects VO2 max by amount of muscle mass during activity activate large muscle groups intensity and duration independent of subject skill strength size and speed o 10 12 difference between tests on cycle or treadmill o treadmill tests are most commonly used because you can easily quantify as well as regulate exercise intensity o VO2 max tests can be continuous or discontinuous they must be a graded exercise test and it has been shown that those given verbal encouragement are more likely to achieve their VO2 max than those with no encouragement max aerobic capacity was 9 10x higher than when not encouraged and time on treadmill was increased for those being encouraged this helps to truly reach a person s physiologic max which is one way to really guarantee a person reaches their VO2 max 5 What factors account for gender differences in VO2 max women tend to have lower VO2 max than men women have lower levels of hemoglobin as well as differences in body composition between males and females average male generates more total aerobic energy because he possesses more muscle mass and less fat than average female men also have a higher hemoglobin concentration than women perhaps due to more testosterone which enables men to circulate more oxygen during exercise Training Principles for Aerobic Exercise 1 Be familiar with factors which affect the aerobic training response intensity duration etc factors improving heart o training at higher heart rate increasing intensity o duration of exercise session o frequency of training o mode of training o initial level of fitness o ALSO known as FITT frequency intensity time type o these things can all be manipulated 2 Maintenance of aerobic fitness gains with intensity held constant frequency and duration required to maintain certain level of aerobic fitness remain considerably lower than that required to induce improvement a small decline in intensity can decrease the VO2max therefore intensity plays a crucial role in maintaining increased aerobic capacity achieved through training 3 Understand various cardiovascular adaptations that occur with chronic training the higher the intensity trained at the greater the cardiovascular achievements the longer you spend training per session the greater improvements you will see in VO2 the more times a week you train the greater cardiovascular improvements will be your initial level of fitness also has bearings on rate of which improvements occur the key to improving cardiovascular health is the intensity at which a person trains if you don t stimulate the heart enough you will see minimal effects on cardiovascular health increased heart mass and volume with increased size of left ventricle and thickening of the heart walls 12 20 increase in plasma volume which enhances circulatory reserve and increases EDV SV O2 transport VO2max and temperature regulating ability during exercise lower resting heart rate and sub max heart rate increased SV during rest and exercise regardless of age or gender increase in max cardiac output represents most significant function with aerobic training increased quantity of O2 extracted from circulating blood a v O2 difference reduction in blood pressure 4 Explain the concepts of overload reversibility where it applies to training Understand different ways you can apply the overload

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FSU PET 3380C - Exam 3 Study Guide

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