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Suicide and Social Solidarity 09 18 2013 Suicide and Social Solidarity Durkheims Typology of Suicide Egoistic altruistic anomic fatalistic The Jonestown Murder Suicide Social Integration and Durkheims Typology of Suicide Too little social integration egoistic suicide too selfish Too much social integration Altrustic suicide too selfless Too little social regulation Anomic suicide rapid poverty Bulgarian suicide wave rapid wealth suicidal lottery winners Too much social regulation fatalistic suicide ex someone in prison who kills themselves Culture and Inequality 09 18 2013 cultural capital the degree to which someone knows the dominant cultural The Social Theory of Bourdieu code ex real housewives rolex watches symbolic power ideology of personal taste cultural omnivores Peterson and Kern 09 18 2013

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KU SOC 104 - Suicide and Social Solidarity

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