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19 Exercise Physiology Guide 3 Training Principles for aerobic exercise chapter 21 pp 453 457 470 482 1 Be familiar with factors which affect the aerobic training response intensity duration etc Whenever someone makes an exercise program for someone they use these factors to create the program just like how when you go to the gym you have sets and reps For aerobic exercise you always have the duration length of the activity frequency days per week intensity usually a percentage of you max heart rate or vo2 and mode type of exercise running swimming biking etc Intensity is the most important factor that can be manipulated to receive training benefits followed by frequency So this is saying if you work out really hard two days of the week you will get the same benefits as someone who works out really easy four days of the week With frequency you need at least two days a week to receive any benefits So hitting the road to run one day a week isn t cutting it 2 Maintenance of aerobic fitness gains To maintain one s fitness level we can really just maintain a high intensity of exercise for as low as two days a week This will prevent you from losing fitness 3 Understand various cardiovascular adaptations that occur with chronic training With training comes a lot of cardiovasular gains thus this is the point of exercise Your heart rate at rest will become lower because aerobic exercise increases one s parasympathetic input via the vagus nerve Resting heart rates of 35 BPM aren t rare The athlete will have a higher stroke volume meaning they pump out more blood with every heartbeat I don t know if he talked about the mechanisms for these adaptations so I m not going to review them If he did they are in my previous guide if you happened to get it Tony Berardi FLASHNOTES 19 4 Explain the concepts of overload reversibility where it applies to training Understand different ways you can apply the overload principle Muscles adapt to stimuli or stress that is placed upon them So you stress the muscle and if the stress is large enough the muscle will be forced to grow stronger The mechanism for this is that the muscle is first destroyed and broken down and is then rebuilt to better respond that that stress In order to be broken down the stress on the muscle has to be great enough to break it down this is what overload means You have to overload the muscle to see gains Overload is the basic principle of strength training In order for the muscle to adapt and grow stronger you have to overload them to near maximal contraction Without this stimulus they will not grow stronger Reversibility means just like you gain strength you will lose it if you stop training 5 What is the Karvonen formula What is an optimal target heart rate for cardiovascular adaptations use the Karvonen formula to calculate To calculate a target heart rate first you have to find the clients maximal heart rate This is done with the 220 age formula Once you get this age predicted max heart rate simply multiply it by whatever intensity you are looking for So say you want to exercise at 60 70 of their max HR so you would take 220 age x 6 and this will give 60 of their max and then do 220 age x 7 and then you have 70 You need at least 60 of your max heart rate to get any benefits from exercise aerobic Or if he happened to say a different number in lecture go with that 6 Understand task specificity stronger This is very simple This is stating that the muscle that you train is the one that will improve easy enough So if you want you to get better at running you would run If you curl your legs will not get 7 What are the advantages of training at lactate threshold Lactacte threshold is the level that our bodies buffer system can no longer keep up with the amount of lactate that it is producing As you know you produce lactate with intense exercise and our body has a mechanism to clear it as soon as it is produced At a certain level though the blood lactate is created faster than it can be cleared this is lactate threshold At this point Blood lactate will skyrocket and exercise will most likely cease very soon Tony Berardi FLASHNOTES 19 By training at this level we can train our body to slowly adapt to higher and higher levels of blood lactate The body adapts to the environment With a higher blood lactate one can exercise at a higher intensity for longer periods So take two athletes in similar fitness level so similar Vo2 but one has a higher lactate threshold This means that at the same intensity the one with the higher lactate threshold will be working less so they can outperform the other 8 What is interval training and what is the rational for its use Interval training is a set workload with a set rest period repeated for a set repetition An example would be running a mile w 3 min rest 4 times or 200m x 12 times w a min ret between This training is the best method to increase lactate threshold and Vo2 max as opposed to long distance training or steady state Another very positive use is that this is the BEST type on training to burn fat mass This is me speaking outside of his notes that I know of He might of talked about it though Interval training does not directly burn as many kcal as long distance since the amount of time working is less but it evokes the EPOC effect This goes back to the first test with oxygen debt since you enter an increasingly larger deficiency with each repetition you don t have enough rest to recover 100 the oxygen debt is very larger depending on the intensity This means that your metabolism will be significantly elevated post exercise sometimes as much as 6 hours so you will burn fat much more effectively versus with long duration exercise Endocrine system Chapter 20 and lecture notes 1 Understand the basics of the endocrine system Say your kidney is full of urine and we have to empty our bladder well how does the brain tell the kidney to do this This is a pretty far distance for a nervous impulse to travel so there has to be another way Seems the body has planned for this so let s get acquainted with the endocrine system Think of is as such Your body sending a message in a bottle to some distant organ and this message causes an effect in that organ This message starts in the brain it all starts here Your body has some need and your brain senses this from certain stimuli in the body called feedback Tony Berardi FLASHNOTES 19 and this causes the brain to release to certain chemicals called hormones which act

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