Behavioral Neuroscience Exam 1 01 26 2014 Intro Biological Psychology studies the biological foundation of behavior emotions and mental processes Mind Body Dualism Descartes Phrenology Gall and Spurzheim Brain mapping method Led to localization The Seductive Allure of Neuroscience Visual complexity Real data Bad neuroscience easy to find Research Methods Levels of analysis o Molecular synaptic cellular circuit systems organ environment Structure how is it built connected What does it look like Function how does it work what does it do Ablation physical removal of brain tissue Lesion damage to neural tissue Accidental intentional biochemical neurotoxic electrolytic Stereotaxic surgery holds animal in place to find specific coordinates Infusion puts chemicals directly into the brain Microdialysis measures neurotransmitters in brain Histology the study of microscopic structures and tissues o Structure organization and connections of cells Histological Process tissue must be o 1 Fixed solidified by adding formalin or paraformaldehyde freezing o 2 Sliced thin by a vibrating microtome or cryostat o 3 Mounted on microscope slides o 4 Processed with appropriate chemicals o 5 Viewed with a microscope golgi silver stain random single cells Black reaction Darkly stains full neuron useful for single cell imaging Randomly stains about 5 myelin stains axon fiber tracts Stains fatty myelin sheath that forms insulation around axons Dark axons fiber tracts Light cell bodies dendrites Identifies neural pathways nissl stains cell bodies nuclei Stains cell bodies of neurons by darkening material in nucleus Identifying populations of cell bodies Electroencephlaograph EEG measures the summed graded potentials from many thousands of neurons Changes as behavior changes Displays an array of patterns Living brain never silent Event Related Potentials ERPs related to specific sensory event Repeated stimulus presentations averaged Function Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS coil over skull applies strong and quickly changing magnetic fields that can enhance or interrupt brain function Magnetoencephalography MEG neural activity generates electrical field and produces magnetic field Recorded from detectors permits 3D higher resolution than ERP High cost Single Cell multi unit recordings fine wire electrodes Amplify and filter dignitize and store Correlate physiology with behavioral cognitive events Static Imaging Techniques o Computed Tomography CT uses multiple x rays at many different angles to construct 3D image Bone and soft tissue More risks than MRI but 10 x cheaper o Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI high resolution static 3D image Passes strong magnetic through brain then radio wave then measures movement emitted from hydrogen atoms o Diffusion Tensor Imaging DTI detects the directional movements of water molecules to image nerve fiber pathways in the brain Identifies abnormalities in neural pathways Dynamic Brain Imaging o Positron Emission Tomography PET radioactive protein or glucose molecules are injected into blood stream Detects changes in metabolism by measuring uptake of radioactive molecules Expensive o Functional MRI fMRI uses magnetic fields and blood oxygenation level dependent response to visualize brain activity Potential problems neural correlates of interspecies perspective taking in the postmortem atlantic salmon Need advance statistics Knock in genetic modification Functioning gene inserted into animal cells gene transfer Knock out genetic modification Nonfunctioning mutation introduced to isolated gene transferred to embryos Optogenetics o 1 Genetic construct o 2 Insert construct into virus o 3 Inject virus into animal brain o 4 Insert optrode o 5 Laser light Research with humans IRB consent minimize pain discomfort risk deception debriefing Why animals controlled environment homogenous briefer development and lifespan ethical matters Animal guidelines IACUC minimal N humane careful attention to health and welfare minimize stress discomfort Anatomy and Evolution Rostral anterior head of four legged animal Caudal posterior tail of four legged animal Dorsal superior back of four legged animal Ventral inferior belly of four legged animal Medial towards the middle Lateral towards the sides Proximal near core or trunk of body Distal extremities Contralateral opposite side Sagittal sections are parallel to the midline Coronal sections divide brain crosswise from front to back parallel Ipsilateral same side Horizontal sections brain from top to bottom Natural selection favors the organism with highest degree of fitness Peripheral Nervous System Central CNS brain and spinal cord Encased by skull vertebrea to the face and bones Peripheral PNS nerves connecting CNS to muscles organs and skin Sensory Motor Autonomic Nerve bundle of axons in the PNS Tract bundle of axons in the CNS Ganglion group of cell bodies in PNS Nucleus group of cell bodies in CNS Somatic Somatosensory and skeletal motor Autonomic Glands and organs Sympathetic parasympathetic Two divisions Sympathetic Parasympathetic Control involuntary functions Heartbeat blood pressure respiration perspiration digestion Can be influenced by emotion o Sympathetic Fight flight response Release adrenaline and norepinephrine heart rate and blood pressure blood flow to skeletal muscles Inhibits digestive functions o Parasympathetic Rest and digest Calms body to conserve and maintain energy Release acetylcholine Stimulates digestion HR and BP Blood Brain Barrier Tight junctions between astroctyes and endothelial cells along capillaries Keeps out large molecules Active transport for some essential nutrients Some drugs can cross most cannot Meninges o Dura Mater wet leather hard to cut through o Arachnoid mater spider like mother fiber structures o Pia mater difficult to see so thin directly on spine brain Cerebrospinal fluid Made by choroid plexus in ventricles Similar composition to clear plasma of blood o Functions Protective nutritive excretory cushion Afferent Sensory go toward CNS from sensory receptors Efferent Motor go out from CNS to muscles and organs Always Sometimes myelinated myelinated Cranial nerves 12 pairs Exit enter directly from brain Sensory Motor or both Some say married money but my big brother says big brains matter more o Olfactory Sensory smell o Optic Sensory vision o Oculomotor Motor eye movement o Trochlear Motor eye movement o Trigeminal Both face sensation and chewing o Abducens Motor eye movement o Facial Both
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