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Info overview of syllabus Syllabus listed on Learn UW Lecture PowerPoints will be posted the night before each lecture Peer study groups available we will receive an email later The lowest of the first 3 exam grades is dropped exams are multiple choice The final exam is NOT cumulative but weighted heavier than the others The final takes place during the last class period NOT during the final time listed on myUW Extra credit Valerie Ahl is in charge of extra credit veahl wisc edu Psychology 330 Go to uwmadison sona systems com You can monitor the points you have earned under My Credits There are research studies and quizzes available up to 5 points quiz A total of 15 points can be earned 1 for each hour and 15 points will bump you up a letter grade e g from an AB to an A This week there will be a 0 75 point web survey and a 0 75 point in class survey You may be contacted by phone and you can check with Valerie to make sure the opportunity is legitimate Intro to psychology questions Who are we How does the brain work What is predetermined genetically How does our personality change our lives What societal forces influence behavior What can we do about this Goals Understanding and improving human condition Applying psychology to life and other areas Thinking critically knowing the value in questioning what we know Scientific knowledge the key is systematic and controlled research strategies Our knowledge changes we continue to learn Testing common sense beliefs e g there was a study that proved that venting does not help us to become less angry

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UW-Madison PSYCH 202 - Notes

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