PILLAR 5 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS Psychopathology The scientific study of mental disorders 1 Definition in your own words 2 Applied example or 3 Use of the term in a unique personal sentence Some examples of disorders listed in DSM 5 include major depressive disorder schizophrenia paranoid personality disorder and social anxiety Mental disorders are conditions that affect your thinking feeling mood and behavior Sentence anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U S Distress refers to non specific symptoms of stress anxiety and depression Examples fatigue sadness anxiety avoidance of social situations Behavior that interferes with an individual s activities of daily living or ability to adjust to and participate in settings Sentence maladaptive behaviors are those that stop you from adapting to new or difficult circumstances Mental Health Disorders Distress Dysfunctional Maladaptive Class Definition Facts Scientific study of mental illness psychological disorders Abnormal behaviors what is normal Clinically significant disturbance in cognition emotion or behavior To be classified as a disorder behavior must be Distressful Dysfunctional Maladaptive and Deviant Causing emotional and or physical pain or causing pain in others Interfering with what you want or need to do Getting in the way of survival Statistically Irregular or atypical Relative to the population and or other times in your life the behaviors are out of the norm in severity and or frequency Anything outside of the range of normal or average Dimensional checklist for diagnosis of disorders taking into account the severity and frequency of symptoms Classification and labeling system for psychological disorders Deviant Deviant behavior is any behavior that is contrary to the dominant norms of society Sentence psychologists believe that individual human beings are solely responsible for their criminal or deviant acts Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM V DSM V is a manual for assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders and does not include information or guidelines for treatment of any disorder Sentence the primary purpose of DSM 5 is to assist trained clinicians in the diagnosis of their patients mental disorders as part of a case formulation assessment that leads to a fully informed treatment plan for each individual Biopsychosocial Model Diathesis Stress Model Explains the probability of development of symptoms as a the theory that mental and physical disorders develop from a genetic or biological predisposition for that illness diathesis combined with stressful 2021 22 GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY PSYCHOLOGY 1101 INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY result of the gene environment interaction Having a genetic predisposition AND environmental trauma stress that contributes to symptoms Vulnerability to a disorder Vulnerability genetic predisposition trauma stress Diathesis Traits coding for tendencies toward behavioral mental characteristics For disorders genes may put you in the range of being more susceptible or affected by environmental influences Sustained heightened awareness 6 months for unexplained reasons Prolonged alarm phase of the stress response autonomic nervous system arousal Genetic Predisposition Anxiety Disorders disorders of the stress response Generalized Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Momentary severe uncontrolled stress response Specific Phobias role of Classical Conditioning in Phobias Fear of heightened alarm reaction toward specific stimuli May be learned through Classical Conditioning CS US pairing occurs based on personal experience or information US is usually some imminently threatening object or situation UR actual pain uncomfortable conditions that play a precipitating or facilitating role The theory that mental and physical disorders develop from a genetic or biological predisposition for that illness combined with stressful conditions that plays precipitating or facilitating role Example include genetic factors such as abnormalities in some genes or variations in multiple genes that interact to increases vulnerability A tendency for certain traits to be inherited including physical and mental conditions and disorders Example with cancer a person may be more likely than average to develop one type or several types of cancer and if cancer occurs it may develop at a younger age than is average for people without a genetic susceptibility Involves persistent and excessive worry that interferes with daily activities Example you may feel intense worry about your safety or that your loved ones or you may have a general sense that something bad is about to happen Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder it causes panic attacks which are sudden feelings of terror when there is no real danger Example people worry that they will faint embarrass themselves have a heart attack etc Overwhelming and unreasonable fear of objects or situations that pose little real danger but provoke anxiety and avoidance Example one may have a fear of medical or dental visits heights flying etc Emphasizes the importance of learning from the environment and supports nurture over nature Example the repeated use of a drug could cause the body to compensate for it in an effort to counterbalance the effects of the drug 2021 22 GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY PSYCHOLOGY 1101 INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD Trauma Disorder Post traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD role of Classical Conditioning In PTSD Mood Disorders Major Depressive Disorder feeling CR fear Unwanted repetitive thoughts obsessions or actions compulsions A disorder in which people have recurring unwanted thoughts ideas or sensations that make them feel free driven to do something repetitively Example fear of being contaminated by touching objects others have touched Intrusive and or uncontrolled thoughts of experienced trauma that bring about anxiety attacks or more generalized anxiety Thoughts anxiety caused by CS that was paired with US trauma UR is the anxiety fear experienced during the actual trauma A disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking scary dangerous event Example events that can trigger post trauma stress disorder include wars crimes fires accidents death of a loved one or abuse of some form Ptsd learning models suggest that some symptoms are developed and maintained through classical conditioning These traumatic reminders evoke conditioned responses
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