KIN3304 Review Assignment Unit 1 Chapters 1 3 Write the definition or description of the following terms Flexion bending movement that results in a decrease in a joint angle by moving bones apart An example by using the elbow joint is when you re moving the hand towards the shoulder EX humerus movement anteriorly and superiorly in the sagittal plane about a frontal axis Extension straightening movement that results in an increase of the angle in a joint by moving bones apart An example by using the elbow joint is when the hand moves away from the shoulder Adduction Lateral movement towards the midline of the body within the front plane an example would be the down part of jumping jacks Abduction lateral movement away from the midline of the trunk within the front plane An example would be the up motion when doing jumping jacks Internal Rotation Rotary movement around the longitudinal axis of a bone towards the midline of the body An example would be the i m shy foot motion External Rotation Rotary movement around the longitudinal axis of a bone away from the midline of the body An example would be VARUS Complete the chart by filling in the proper name of the joint and then listing the movements of the joint under the plane of motion in which they occur Planes of motions Common Name Proper Name Sagittal Lateral Transv erse Plane Joint Arthrodial flexion extension Adduction abduction Internal external rotation Ball and Socket Joint Enarthroidal flexion extension Adduction abduction Internal external rotation Hinge Joint Ginglymus Flexion extension Pivot Joint Trochoidal Internal and external rotation Condyloid Joint Condyloid extension flexion abduction adduction Saddle Joint Sellar flexion extension abduction adduction internal external rotation A ques on to ask on the test would be how many degrees of freedom does a whatever joint have Degrees of freedom is directly correlated to the number of planes it can move in EX degrees of freedom for saddle joint 3 Degrees of freedom for pivot joint 1 when asked what axis of rota on a joint is one the axis is perpendicular to the plane of mo on it is on EX sagittal plane of motion frontal axis of rotation Frontal plane of motion sagittal axis of rotation Transverse plane of motion vertical axis of rotation 3 different types of joints Synarthrodial these types of joints are immovable and can be found in places like the sutures in the skull or the gomphosis of the tooth anchors Amphiarthrodial These joints are slightly moveable and can be found in the pubis sternoclavicular joint and syndesmosis between the tibia and fibula Diarthrodial These joints are free to move and able to go on all axis of rotation and have up to 3 degrees of freedom Condyloid condyloid joints this is a type of joint in which bones permit movement in two planes without rotation An example would be the wrist radiocarpal joint between the radius and proximal row of the carpal bones Also the metacarpophalangeal joints in the fingers Enarthrodial ball and socket joints permits movement in all planes an example would be the shoulder or hip Ginglymus Hinge joint Permits a wide range of motion but only on one plane Examples of this would be the elbow ankle and knee joints sellar saddle joint permits ball and socket movement with exception of slight rotation Found in the thumb between carpal and metacarpal connection Trochoidal pivot joint This type of joint has a rotational movement around a long axis An example would be the rotation of the radius and ulna at the proximal and distal radioulnar joints For each of the following exercises write the type of contraction isometric concentric or eccentric if any in the cell of the muscle group that is contracting Place a dash in the cell if there is no contraction occurring Hint In many cases you will only have contraction in one muscle group or the other not both In some instances you may have more than one type of contraction in the same muscle groups throughout various portions of the exercises If so list them in the order of occurrence Exercise Quadriceps Hamstrings a Begin sitting on the edge of the table with your knee in full extension Maintain your knee in full extension isometric Very slowly flex your knee maximally 1 Eccentric for before it reaches 90 degrees with the knee Maintain your knee in full flexion 2 Concentric for after it reaches the point where your heel is almost at your butt isometric holding heel at butt Its that part in sitting hamstring curls where it is closest to you Maintain your knee in approximately 90 degrees of flexion Sitting down with knee s hanging No contraction will occur No contraction occurring From the fully flexed position slowly extend your knee fully 2concentric starts only after 90 degrees is reaches 90 180 1 eccentric knee is at your butt and moving towards 90 degrees then quads take over 0 90 b Stand on one leg and move the other knee as directed Maintain your knee in full extension No contraction occurring the 1 down leg acts as support No contraction occurring Very slowly flex your knee maximally Concentric heel to butt From the fully flexed position slowly extend your knee fully Eccentric put leg back out From the fully flexed position extend your knee fully as fast as possible Concentric movement needs to be fast and not controlled like the others As the quadriceps contract concentrically they will extend the knee As the quadriceps contract eccentrically they will flex the knee As the hamstrings contract concentrically they will flex the knee As the hamstrings contract eccentrically they will extend the knee To maintain anything will mean that the contrac on is either not happening or isometric There would be no contrac on if there is something there to support the muscles so that they would not need to ac vely maintain it Next to each statement place a C an E or an I to indicate if the statement describes a concentric eccentric or isometric contraction i Prevents movement by external forces e Decelerates movement c Causes the body part to move against gravity or external forces c Joint angle changes in the direction of the applied muscle force e Muscle gradually lessens in tension to control the descent of resistance c Accelerates movement e Muscle force resistance i Muscle tension acts to maintain joint angle in stable position c Muscle develops enough force to overcome applied resistance or gravity e Joint angle changes in the direction of the resistance or external force c
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