Self Assessment Lecture 34 Nucleotide Catabolism 1 Please state the function of the following a Nucleotidase Removes the phosphate from a nucleotide to form a nucleoside b Nucleoside Phosphorylase Forms a free base and ribose 1 P from a nucleoside c Phosphoribomutase Forms ribose 5 P from ribose 1 P 2 Catabolism of both purine bases forms this common intermediate which is also a nitrogenous base Xanthine 3 What is the final product purine catabolism Urate 4 What advantage does the high serum urate seen in humans offer Urate is a potent antioxidant 5 What is the disadvantage of having serum urate concentrations that are too high Urate can precipitate to result in gout 6 How does allopurinol function An inhibitor of xanthine oxidase that decreases urate production 7 What is the most prevalent cause of SCID severe combine immunodeficiency Deficiency in adenosine deaminase 8 What is the handedness R or L of the following DNAs A R B R Z L 9 Most DNA under physiologic conditions is in what form A B or Z B 10 Number of bases in one 360 turn of DNA 10 4 Angstroms in one turn 34 11 Differenced in B and A Z arise due to DNA sequence runs of dCGCGCGCG can favor this DNA conformation 12 Circular genomic DNA is found in prokaryotes eukaryotes both circular extra genomic DNA is found in prokaryotes eukaryotes both 13 Please place the following in order from most simple to most complex higher order eukaryotic structure BFAEDC a DNA 10 nm fiber b DNA helix c highly condensed metaphase chromosome d loops attached to scaffold proteins e solenoid f nucleosome 14 This genomic DNA component in eukaryotes consists of 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped 1 7 times around a histone core Nucleosome 15 Histone cores are comprised of 2 H1 H2A H2B H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 choose all that apply Self Assessment Lecture 34 Nucleotide Catabolism 16 Higher order structure of DNA is promoted through electrostatic interactions between Lysines in histone tails and phosphate groups in the DNA backbone 17 Histone Transacetylase is an enzyme that transfers an acetyl group to Lysines in histone tails and promotes inhibits access to the DNA 18 What class of enzymes reverses the modification seen in Q18 Histone Deacetylase HDAC 19 Which of the following is NOT a valid histone modification a ADP ribosylation b phosphorylation c methylation d ubiquitination sumolyation e acetylation f None of these are valid histone modifications g All of these are valid histone modifications
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