MSU BMB 401 - Self_Assessment_Lecture_33_KEY Nucleotide_Fu (2) (1)

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Self Assessment Lecture 33 Nucleotide Function and Synthesis 1 Which of the following is NOT a use of nucleotides a Precursors for nucleic acid synthesis b Prime energy source for biologic processes c Activation of biomolecules for synthetic reactions d Primary source of nitrogen for amino acid synthesis e Important parts of many second messenger systems f Source of phosphate for kinase reactions 2 Please indicate PY for pyrimidine and PU for purine and state DNA RNA or Both to identify the nucleic acid in which each can be found a Cytosine Py Both b Guanine Pu Both c Thymine Py DNA only d Uracil Py RNA only e Adenine Pu Both 3 ATP is a a Ribonucleotide b Deoxyribonucleotide c Ribonuceloside d Deoxyribonucleoside 4 Which of these nucleotides is formed through the addition of a pre formed base during de novo synthesis Pyrimidine Purine 5 During de novo synthesis the initial pyrimidine ring is comprised of carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate carbamoyl phosphate and glutamine bicarbonate and glycine 6 Carbamoyl Phosphate is comprised of what 3 metabolites a Bicarbonate b ATP c Amino group 7 Place these intermediates in order of their synthesis Uridylate Thymidylate Orotodylate a Orotodylate b Uridylate c TTP 8 This common nucleoside monophosphate is an intermediate in de novo purine synthesis for the synthesis of both Adenine and Guanine IMP Inosine monophosphate 9 It is a common strategy to phosphorylate a keto group to form an activated intermediate for addition of an amino group In the synthesis of AMP what is the source of the phosphate GTP And for GMP ATP Self Assessment Lecture 33 Nucleotide Function and Synthesis 10 What is the activated ribose platform upon which salvaged bases are added in the salvage pathway PRPP 11 Please name the enzymes that catalyze the transfer of salvaged purine guanine and hypoxanthine bases to the activated ribose in Q11 Phosphoribosyltransferases HGPRT for instance 12 Please name the two products of Thymidylate Synthase a Thymidylate b Dihydrofolate 13 Please name a drug which inhibits thymidylate synthesis a Fluorodeoxyuridylate Methotrexate Aminopterin Other things to study from this lecture Lesch Nyhan Syndrome Ribonucleotide reductase Sulfonamides

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MSU BMB 401 - Self_Assessment_Lecture_33_KEY Nucleotide_Fu (2) (1)

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