MSU BS 161 - Protein Shape and Functional Groups
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BS 161 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Protein structure and amino acids Outline of Current Lecture II Protein shape III Functional protein groups Current Lecture Proteins differ in life span and location in cells Protein shape determined through x ray crystallography Chaperonin chamber that protects protein while it is folding into its shape Denature proteins can unfold denature artificially causes loss of function caused by increased temperature exposure to nonpolar solvents acids or bases dramatic change in pH Proteins can also lose gain function naturally by regulatory changes for example adding taking away a phosphate mutation changing the amino acid sequence Functional classes of proteins 1 Enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions 2 Structural proteins support something don t move 3 Storage proteins provide a food source for amino acids 4 Transport proteins transiently bind and move something 5 Hormonal protein move from cell to cell and trigger it to regulate some process 6 Receptor protein recognize the hormones and start some response 7 Contractile and motor proteins change shape and create movement with help of ATP or GTP adenine triphosphate or guanine triphosphate 8 Defensive proteins binds to a particular non self antigen 9 Gene expression proteins transcription factors that help ribosome proteins make new proteins

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MSU BS 161 - Protein Shape and Functional Groups

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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