MSU BS 161 - Introduction To Proteins
Type Lecture Note
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BS 161 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Review of general chemistry Outline of Current Lecture II Introduce organic chemical structures III Understand role of seven common functional groups in biochemistry Current Lecture Properties of carbon which contribute to molecular diversity 1 carbon has a valence of four and can form four stable covalent bonds tetrahedron shape 2 chains of differing length can form 3 three types of isomers can form a structural change in structure arrangement of atoms causes change in functionality of molecule b geometric cis the two identical atoms are on the same side of the molecule trans the two identical atoms are on opposite side of the molecule c enantiomers mirror image the asymmetric carbon is bonded to four different atoms 4 branching and ring linked carbon bonds can form Seven main functional groups on hydrocarbon H C molecules 1 Hydroxyl OH 2 Carbonyl C O 3 Carboxyl COOH 4 Amino NH2 5 Sulfhyrdyl SH 6 Phosphate PO4 7 Methyl group CH3

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MSU BS 161 - Introduction To Proteins

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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