JOURN 3000 1st Edition Lecture 28 Outline of Last Lecture I Underground Press Outline of Current Lecture I Corporate Journalism Current Lecture Corporate Journalism Consolidation Relaxed ownership laws allow newspaper chains broadcast groups to grow Fewer family owned outlets less competition Conglomeration Journalism organizations owned by large broad corporations News Consultancies Hired by news organizations chains to maximize market share value Style and content TV news Joe Six Pack Audience research Content crime police children and pets celebrities and team coverage of fleeting events Digital Journalism Computers in newsrooms Make traditional tasks easier These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Computer Assisted Reporting CAR Digital journalism products Videotex teletext in 1980s Prodigy Trintex Local online news sites such as Nando World Wide Web and News By the mid 1990s most news organizations have web presence use shovelware approach New online only sites e g Salon Aggregators AOL Drudge Yahoo late 1990s USENET Weblogs in late 1990s User generated content Outlet proliferation accessibility Digital Journalism Era Institutional hierarchy of mainstream and ancillary news media is upset Gatekeeping authority challenged Deinstitutionalization of journalism Rise of quasi journalistic actors Decoupling of journalism and advertising Evolving notions of objectivity A changing view of science Karl Popper reality cannot be perceived apart from presuppositions Popper hence methods should be disclosed Objectivity is a trust mechanism you rely on when your medium can t do links Transparency as the new objectivity Marketplace of ideas A diversity of voices Competing truth claims Marketplace as procedure Channels of amplification mainstream media non mainstream media social media
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