CSU NR 150 - Marine Mammals and Birds

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NR 150 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Arthropods shrimp crab copepod lobster most successful animal group on Earth II Mollusks squids and octopuses III Two types of fish IV Thermoregulation in fish V Fish are successful because of unique adaptations VI Creatures of the depth Outline of Current Lecture VII Mammals including marine mammals VIII Marine birds Current Lecture I Mammals including marine mammals a Mammals evolved from reptiles b Mammals are viviparous animals live bearing animals whose embryos develop within the mother s body c Embryo receives nutrients and oxygen through the placenta d Young are being nurse e Mammals produce few but well cared for offspring f Larger brains g Catacea i Whales 1 Spend entire life in water 2 Streamlined resemble fish 3 Breathe air have hair produce milk for young These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 4 Have front flippers 5 No rear flippers but they are present in embryos 6 Sperm whales eject and intestinal slurry called ambergris that contains the squid beaks prevents them from scraping the inside of intestines 7 Two kinds of whales a Toothed whales b Baleen whales i Typically bigger than toothed whales ii Blue whales 1 Among the loudest animals on the planet 2 Largest animals ever known to have lived on earth 3 Can eat 4 8 tons of krill a day 4 Average lifespan is estimated at around 8090 years iii Humpback whales 1 Bubble hunting blow bubbles to trap fish in a ring ii Porpoises 1 Smallest of the toothed whales iii Dolphins h Carnivore i Seals ii Sea lions iii Walruses iv Sea otters i Sirenia i Manatees ii Dugongs iii Steller s Sea Cow now extinct j Share four common features i Streamlined body shape ii Generate their own internal body heat and conserve heat through layers of fat or fur iii Modified respiratory system to collect and retain large amounts of oxygen iv Osmotic adaptations minimal intake of sea water and ability to excrete concentrated and highly saline water II Marine birds a Some of the world s most efficient flyers b Lay eggs on land c Some seabirds stay at sea for years d Have special salt excluding glands e Seabirds i Gulls pelicans albatrosses petrels and penguins 1 Penguins live in the southern hemisphere except for Galapagos penguin a Galapagos penguins are endemic to Galapagos islands only penguin that lives north of the equator in the wild f Endothermic generate and regulate metabolic heat g Have light thin hollow bones h Lack fatty insulation i Have lightweight beak instead of jaws j Highly efficient respiratory system

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