CMS357 1st Edition Lecture 19 I Physical Abuse in Marriage A History and demographics a 20 years ago you couldn t prosecute rape in a marriage i Mild violence pushing shoving grabbing ii Severe violence beating using weapons hitting punching 1 More easily recognizable as not ok 2 20 of couples have seen some type of violence in the past year 3 severe violence is 5 b Characteristics of Abusers i Tend to have low self esteem don t think very highly of themselves tend to be relatively unasserting with their spouse of partner ii Not assertive more aggressive and highly jealous 1 Asking for permission to go hang out with a friend wardrobe 2 Tend to use sex or physical affection in a more aggressive way not about love tenderness 3 Very rigid sex role attitudes a Supposed to be more submissive to the man 4 They endorse violence 5 People who are violent are more likely to be have been abused themselves c Types of Abusive Relationships i Situational violence common couple violence occasional outburst can be done by husbands or wives ii Intimate terrorism can be a woman against a man too more severe frequent systematic violence Hedda Nussbaum 1 People can be so abused that they don t seek help iii Violence resistance someone in a relationship is violent but are behaving this way in a response to violence not an immediate self defense situation wife shoots a husband d Communication issues i The one thing that distinguishes violent men from otherslow in assertiveness but high in verbal aggressiveness I II ii If you put abusive men in a conflict situation with their wives their physical arousal goes up iii Types of intitmate terroisim 1 Cobras when they are in conflict situationsphysically relax don t have reason to kill the person because they are enjoying it 2 Pitbulls engage in violence to get control double suicides shoots her and them himself Physical Abuse of Children A Demographics a 11 12 of parents admit to engaging in severe violence with their children B Characteristics a boys are abused more younger children more than older children i young sons are more at risk ii mothers and fathers who stay home are more likely to be abusediii more likely to be abused in alcohol or drugs iv they are more likely to be clinically depressed than the average person v high stress sounds of children make aggressive abusers uptight vi abusers are more likely to be abusers themselves C Characteristics of abused children a More the younger than adult b Handicapped something wrong with them c Not wanted in the first place D Effects a More problems with intellectual development b Likely to do worse in school than other kids language development issues social problems trust issues c Non abused kids will ignore it or empathetic the kids who are abused when they see another little in distress will get aggressive or some others will get extremely fearful they see themselves in that situation similar to PTSD d Might be a bully themselves Sexual Abuse for Children A Demographicsa 5 of people are sexually abused as minors as adults b men tend to abuse children more than women c abuse by siblings difficult to identify i the age gap tends B Effects of Sexual abuse a Emotional effects little kids that are depressed more likely to be angry or guility b Suicide academic problems c Symmetic symptoms bodily symptoms tummy aches and headaches C Interviewing variables
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