Crm Jst 271 1st Edition Lecture 18 Current Lecture I Internal Accountability Mechanisms a 3 mechanisms of internal accountability are used by police i What are these mechanisms b Most important source of accountability is organization and management i Written directives are one example which come in the following forms 1 Departmental policies 2 Goals 3 Objectives 4 Procedures 5 Rules or regulations c Written directives are important for a number of reasons i They inform officers of expected standards of behavior ii They inform the community of the departmental mission goals values policies procedures and expected standards of behavior iii To enhance operational consistency equal protection and due process iv They provide grounds for disciplining and counseling errant officers v They provide standards for officer supervision vi They give direction for officer training d There are however limitations of written directives i What are these limitations e Internal investigation are common in all larger departments i Generally these investigations are carried out by internal affairs f Internal investigations differ from normal investigations because i 4th Amendment guarantees apply to officers at home and off duty These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Lockers at the station police car other elements of on duty performance are unlikely to be protected under the 4 th Amendment iii If an unlawful search occurs the fruits of the search may be used in disciplinary hearing but not legal proceedings iv Under Garrity v New Jersey 1967 statements compelled during an internal investigation cannot be used later in court g Not all citizens complaints are the same and so departments classify them into different categories i Sustained complaints ii Unsubstantiated complaints iii Unfounded complaints iv Exoneration h Because not all acts of misconduct are the same there exist different forms of punishment used by departments i Termination of employment ii Demotion loss of rank iii Punitive suspension iv Punitive probation v Reassignment vi Mandatory training vii Reprimand viii Supervisory counseling
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